Chapter 21: Tacenda

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(n.) things better left unsaid; matters to be passed over in silence.

A/N: I think you get the gist of it: Don't play the music until I tell you :) enjoy!

He laughed, "Than how did you get to work?"

You scoffed as you bit into your sub sandwich, "I rode the bus."

It's been a day since you last spoke to Yuna. You didn't eat any of the breakfast she made this morning or ask her for a ride, and you didn't even say goodbye.

"Don't you think you're being a little harsh? I mean, how could you be like that to little ol' Yuna? She's like the sweetest person I know."

You slouched down in the park bench at that.

"Can you not." Your voice was muffled from all the food in your mouth.

You could hear Joel giggling on the other end. "Can I not what?" He asked.

"Just be impartial right now and understand where I'm coming from. I already have two moms, I don't need another one."

"It's kind of hard to not be impartial, when I know she only wants the best for you."

You rolled your eyes, "But that's the thing. Who is she to know what's best for me?" You exclaimed.


You angrily took another bite. "Aaand who is she to practically tell me I only like Jimin because of his money? That's not the case at all!" Your voice was muffled by the food.

It boiled your blood just thinking about the conversation you had with her.

Joel smiled on the other end. He could just picture you, sitting with you're arms crossed, angrily chewing.

You softened when you heard him trying to hold in a laugh.

"I'm glad you find amusement in my anger." You grumbled.

Joel allowed himself to laugh freely.

"No, it's no that." He cackled. "I just wish I was there to see you angrily eating again."

You poked the inside of your cheek, as a mild smile crept on your lips. You couldn't even be annoyed with him.

You shook your head and sighed, "Me too."


It was late. Very late.

His eyes were still bloodshot and puffy from crying, and his body was still sore from Janelle.

Hoseok didn't bother sneaking in the dorm like he usually would've to not alert his members of his arrival. But today he didn't care. His mind was anywhere but on what his member's might've asked him for his late arrival.

Sunglasses on and black leather bag in hand, he entered the house.

It was quiet inside.

Walking past the living room, he saw a passed out Taehyung laying on the couch. Hoseok continued tiredly moving down the hallway and into his room that was already slightly cracked open.

He immediately contemplated walking right back out. Eyes wide, he had almost forgotten he shared a room with Jimin.

Jimin had his back faced to the door as he was rummaging through some clothes on his bed, oblivious of Hoseok standing by the entrance.

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