Chapter 23: Mágoa

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(n.) a heartbreaking feeling that leaves long-lasting traces.

A/N: play, use headphones.

There was yelling.

Your attention was taken off of the last minute homework you were doing and put on the muffled voices downstairs.

It's become a scheduled event, this arguing right before they went to sleep. You couldn't remember the last time they went to bed peacefully.

It was like their voices were fighting to see who could be the loudest. You could hear eomma speaking but then appa's voice would cut her off mid-sentence almost every single time. He was twice as loud as she was. You couldn't make out what they were going off about behind your closed door -and you were taught not to worry about it.

"They're playing, Y/N." You thought to yourself. You always reminded yourself of this. It's what eomma told you they were doing.

Getting up from your bed, you went to the black case and took out your violin. After rosining the bow, you placed the chin rest under your chin.

Trying to block out the yelling, you played as loud as your fingers and heart allowed. After a few years of playing, you were pretty skilled with this four-stringed instrument.

Appa's muffled yelling was getting louder and louder -if that was even possible at this point. It was too loud to just ignore like you would've done before. It overpowered the music you were making.

Your heart stopped, along with your playing, when you couldn't hear eomma's voice anymore. All you heard now was furniture being pushed or shoved around. The scooting of chairs and the breaking of glass.

Setting down the violin, you couldn't take it anymore. You had to see what was going on.

You slowly opened the door making sure you didn't make a sound. Tip-toeing in your pajamas and socks, you tried your absolute best to be as quiet as possible when making your way to the stairs.

You took a few light steps down the stairs before peeking into the living room.
You saw eomma on her knees, and appa had his hand gripping tightly on her wrist. His back was faced to you so he didn't see you.

From here, you could see purple and red marks all over her arms and legs.

Eomma's eyes caught you.

"Y/N, baby go back upstairs, okay?" Her weary voice uttered.

After a backhand to eomma's face, appa's head shot back at you standing by the stair railing. You were traumatized when you saw that.

"Y/N, get your ass back upstairs now!" He firmly said.

"APPA! What are you doing!?" You screamed. You ran down the stairs as quickly as your feet could take you. "You're hurting her!" You yanked on his forearm that was gripping on her purple wrist.

All was no use. It felt like you were an ant trying to move a boulder.

He so quickly and easily shoved you back, causing you to trip over yourself and onto the floor.

"This doesn't concern you, Y/N." He grumbled through his teeth. The vein on his temple looked like it was about to burst. "Go back to bed!"

You got up slowly. Chest heaving, your eyes quickly bounced between him and eomma. You had to do a double take when you saw those same purple marks ringed around her neck. Her eyes were puffy and red, but not bruised. Her fingers were trembling in his grasp and her breathing was dangerously unstable. She looked even worse up close.

"Y/N, listen to your father." Her voice quivered when speaking to you.

Tears were streaming down your cheeks quicker than you could register.

"What?! No!" You shouted and turned to the man with his hand on her. "Let go of her!"

"We're just playing." Eomma butted in.

"Like hell you are!" You were too disoriented to realize your choice of words.

"This is your idea of 'playing'? After all these years, this was what you meant by playing!?" You sobbed. "He's hurting you!"

He finally let go of her wrists and she collapsed to the ground. The broken blood vessels in her wrist shot bolts of pain throughout her body.

"I'm not going to ask you again." Appa warned, stepping dangerously close to you. He towered over you.

Your eyes widened up at him.

"Go upstairs." He repeated.

Your mother knew your father was very unstable right now. After a few drinks, she had no idea what he was capable of.

"Y/N, please just go..." She weakly pleaded, struggling to pick herself up from the ground.

Paralyzed in shock, you couldn't move a muscle. Never have you ever seen your appa in this light.

"Are you deaf?" He shouted down at you. His breath was hot on your face. You could've sworn your hair blew back from the breath he let out from that sentence. He continued to move closer to you.

Your throat was dry. Unable to form words, you slowly backed away from him --but, he made sure not to leave much space between the two of you.

"Huh!?" He provoked on.

Your heart was racing in your chest. Eventually, his chest was all that was in your field of vision.

You heard eomma groaning on the ground behind him.

"B-babe, stop. Leave her alone." She breathed out.

"No." He scoffed. "She wants to be all up in our business," he said. "Why not let her in all of our business?"

His fingers went for his belt loop.

Your eyes widened more than they already were.

"Wha- what are you doing?" You ask staggered. You backed up more until you felt the wall pressed against your back. His hand was so quick to whip his belt off his pants.

"You should've left when I warned you." He hissed.

You watched, terrified, as his arm reached across his body.

Eyes shutting tight, you tensed up, bracing yourself for the impact of the leather.

--But it never came.

Just before the belt could come in contact with your skin, Eomma built up enough strength to push him away from you, causing him to harshly trip over the coffee table.

You opened your eyes at the tumbling sound and saw both of them collapsed on the ground.

Your senses were clouded.

Glancing to your right, you saw appa on the floor struggling to get up. A shard of glass was sticking out of his pant leg.

Looking down in front of you, you saw eomma in the place were appa just was. Her body was limp as she tried sitting up.

"...go," she whimpered.

This may have been your only chance to get away... but you couldn't just leave her like that. After what she just did, there's no telling what he'd do to her now.

You must have been standing there a second too long because you suddenly felt eomma grab your forearm and shove you to the stairwell.

"Fucking go Y/N!" She hollered.

The decision was made for you.

Dashing up the stairs, you tripped over a few steps. Your socks glided on the hardwood floors as you ran to your room. Breathing heavily, you quickly shut the door.

Your fingers were a trembling mess as you hastily locked the door.

A/N: *sweats profusely*

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2017 ⏰

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