Chapter 1: Dismay

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(n.) consternation and distress, typically that caused by something unexpected.

A/N: play audio, skip to 0:55.

A familiar face walks in followed by a breeze of humid rainy air.

"Ah, the usual Joel oppa?" you smiled while greeting the tall, parted dark brown-haired male at the entrance.

"Yes please, only not as much sugar as usual," he says polietly.

You nod as you turn away to make his coffee. He's been coming here everyday since you've worked here. The 23 aged man and you have grown to know each other pretty well. Although you've only seen each other within the walls of the coffee shop, you managed to build a strong friendship with him.

You were able to talk to him about anything and everything, and he could say the same for you. Your conversations ranged from puppies to sex, and it was all casual. His daily appearances were what got you through the day.

"Here's your cafe au lait -less sugar than usual," you popped while sliding him a thin napkin, and a plate of bagles with strawberry cream cheese.

"Thanks," he chuckled.
You nod, resting your arm on the counter awaiting the bizarre story he had to share with you this time.

As he took a bite of the bagle, he made eye contact with you. He noticed you were staring at him.

"What?" nearly choking on his bite, oblivious as to why you were looking at him. Waiting on him.

Letting out a little laugh, you walk away to make your own coffee. You were more of a simple and sweet coffee person yourself. Vanilla creme, sugar. That's it.

Walking back in the main dining area again, you notice Joel slightly jump up at the sight of you. He looked eager to tell you something.

Here we go.

"Oh y/n, come come come!" he said while quickly motioning his hands at you. "I have tell you something!"

"What happened now?" you say chuckling, making your way towards him.

"Okay, so as I was getting ready to leave for work this morning, guess what happened?"

You get annoyed everytime he asked you to guess what happened. It was always something absolutely ridiculous and you never get it right.

You rolled your eyes, "You saw a monkey riding a purple horse while balancing on a tightrope."

Joel playfully hit your arm, "Nope, guess again."

"Jooooeel." you whined, slightly annoyed.

"Ok, ok," he took a deep breath, "She called me."

You gasped at the statement, causing the coffee to go down the wrong tube and you began choking. It had been a while since he told you a story that was of actual importance, so it caught you off guard.

"Gwenchanayo?" Joel laughed.

"Yeah, yeah," you replied, clearing your throat, "So?! What did she say?"

"I got the position." he let out.

"Joel!" you squealed clapping, "Congradulations!"

Joel was currently a doctor at some hospital. Now, how he is 23 and already has the occupation of a doctor, is a mystery within itself. He had such a fun and goofy personality to obtain such a serious job. Despite all of that, you were really happy he finally got the job because he's been talking about the new opening position for a while.

His excitement didn't seem to match yours.

Your smile faltered. "Are you not happy?"

"No I am..." a guilty smile appeared on his face.


"It's just that -the new location is further away. So I won't be able to come here as often," he exclaimed.

Your smile slowly faded completely. Joel has been apart of your daily routine for who knows how long. You couldn't imagine him just suddenly not showing up anymore.

Stop being selfish.

Mustering up a smile, "Don't be silly Joel," you didn't want him to become discouraged or feel guilty for taking the job, "You've been wanting this job for so long, don't worry about me!"

Joel looked up at you with softened eyes. Taking on almost a brotherly role towards you, he was going to miss seeing you everyday. He's grown so fond of you.

Joel extended his arms out toward you, inviting you in for a hug. You came from around the counter and walked into his embrace. He hugged you as if he was never going to see you again.

"When do you start?"


A/N: Hello readers! I hope you're enjoying the story so far. I promise chapters will be longer than this.

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