Chapter 5: Intuitively

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(adv.) without conscious reasoning; instinctively.


Your phone buzzed:

Unplugging your phone from the charger, only to realize it wasn't even plugged in to the outlet, you check yourself in the mirror once more before meeting Janelle outside

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Unplugging your phone from the charger, only to realize it wasn't even plugged in to the outlet, you check yourself in the mirror once more before meeting Janelle outside.

Were you head over heels about going to the event? No, no of course not. But you might as well enjoy yourself because Janelle did spend alot of money for this. After all, you were going to see only the most popular male group out right now.

"BYE YUNA!" you yelled before locking the apartment door.

As you walked to the car you could see Janelle applying mascara in her rearview mirror. She looked extra dolled up for the event.

"Hey," you said while slipping into the passenger seat.

"Hellooo!" She sang, "Are you excited or what!?"

She looked so adorable. Her big eyes looked eager, almost puppy like, while waiting for your response.

"Actually, I kinda am," you replied, "Ready to see what all the hype is about with this group."

"Yeah? That's awesome!" She screamed while reversing the car.

Your ears rang.

"Save that for the concert, yeah?" You chuckled rubbing your temples.

"Haha I'm sorry! I'm just so excited to see my babies on stage again! This was the group that got me into this black hole of boy groups!"

You side-eyed her from your seat, mouth slightly parted. You knew Janelle was crazy. But this was a whole new side of crazy. It was amusing... but at the same time you knew the whole ride would consist of her chewing your ear off about this group.


A/N: play, use headphones!

As you looked around the giant arena you could see nothing but these white globe ball things. It looked like everyone had one.

After looking around, you looked back at Janelle who suddenly had one in her hand too.

"Where'd you get that?" You asked.

"WHAT?" She yelled.


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