Chapter 7: Influence

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(n.) the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something, or the effect itself.

"I never thought the day would come. The day that Y/F/N went to a BTS concert and actually enjoyed herself." Joel teased as he took another sip of the alcoholic beverage.

"Yeah, well they were pretty good. Me and Janelle are going to another one of their performances soon."

It was refreshing to see Joel in person again. Despite him still being the Joel you know and love, something about him seemed different. You couldn't quite put your finger on it. Was it because of the mere fact that you missed him? Was it because this is the first time you've seen him in a setting other than the coffee shop? Was it the adult drinks?

You didn't know.

What ever it was made you feel a different way about him in this very moment. The atmosphere in the bar didn't help the situation either. At the booth you two were seated at, there was a dim light above your heads. Shadows casted revealing dimensions and curves and angles on Joel's face you'd never seen before. His eyes so deep and black, you felt attacked when making direct eye contact. It didn't help that you were sitting right across from him. There was no escape, so instead you downed your alcoholic beverage.

"Oh! So guess what?" Joel said out of nowhere.


"The other day..."

Your attention slowly drifted away from the words he was saying. You studied his lips. His nose. His eyes. His everything. You weren't listening. Too captivated by the man's beauty.


Joel rambled on about all the things that's been happening to him since he's been promoted. You on the other hand, now had your fists supporting your head while you drunkly smiled up at him.

Occasionally you'd throw in a head nod, or an oh really so he'd think you were listening. But really, your mind was elsewhere. Gone a few drinks ago.

"Y/N, are you okay?" Joel asked, finally realizing your change of energy.

"Mmhm." you giggled. "Oh really?"

"Yah, you've been saying that for the past 2 hours, y/n." he chuckled.

"I'm finnnne. I- *hiccup* I'm gucci mane!" you slurred.

Joel laughed at this new side of you the's never seen. "You're drunk. Let's get you home, yeah?"

"Sssh- J-Joel, I'm fine. Go on with your stor-" you cut yourself off and turn around to face everyone else in the bar.

"HEY EVERYONE! I'M FINE!" you say as you stretch you arms up, creating a v shape.

Everyone that was near your booth turned to look at you. You smiled wide at them, as you received awkward glares.

Joel pinched the bridge of his nose. He pulled your arms down and awkwardly laughed. "Let's go."

You both walked to the car. The car. You carpooled.

"Where are going?" You asked Joel as he walked slightly ahead of you.

"I'm taking you home," he answered as he opened the door to the drivers seat. Before he was about to sit down, he noticed you standing in front of the car. Arms crossed.

"But I don't want to leave yet." You pouted.

"C'mon, don't be difficult y/n. It's getting late,"

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