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~Text Messages~

Angy: Favor please “/

Me: Yea what?

Angy: Please can you drop Niah’e off to her ballet class… I need to attend to this job interview shit with my ma, I know I’m asking for too much.

Me: Yea of course I’ll drop her, what time?                           

Angy: Early… Like 9, please and thanks !

Me: ight… welcome.

After I finished texting Angelah, I finished making my sandwich, I was in the kitchen.

“Are you making me one too”, Sasha asked me entering the kitchen, she stood behind me as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

“You the one who should be over here making the sandwich, I don’t know how I got stuck doing this”, I told her as she removed her arms then hopped on the counter top to sit.

“Because I’m your baby”, she smiled.

I smiled back at her while still making my sandwich.

“Hey, I was wondering if tomorrow morning we…”, she tried to finish until I cut her off.

“Can’t”, was all I replied.

“What? You didn’t even let me finish…what you mean you can’t”, she folded her arms with a huge attitude.

I finally finished making the sandwich, I took a bite out of it, “Got to drop Niah’e off to her ballet practice crap thingy”, I told her.

“Figures”, she rolled her eyes hopping off the counter top.

“What’s with that?”, I asked her.

“Nothing John”, she said as she walked to the fridge and opened it.

“No what do you mean by that?”, I asked her frowning.

She closed the fridge door then opened up her water bottle she just took out, “Angelah always got you doing something for Niah’e”, she told me then took a sip of her water.

“You sound dumb, she’s my daughter… Angelah don’t have to ask me to do anything, I take care of my daughter regardless”, I told her getting upset.

“I didn’t even mean it like that John, I know you take care of Niah’e without being asked too, it’s just every time I want to do something… Angelah has you doing her chores”, Sasha told me.

“Sasha can you just drop it, because you’re not making any sense and you pissing me off”, I told her.

“You know what, f*ck it, I’m going to bed”, she said as she stormed off.

“Yea you do that”, I shouted out as she slammed the bedroom door.

I shook my head then went back to eating my sandwich. I was starting to hate Sasha's attitude towards my daughter and baby mama. She always had a problem when it came to them.


Niah'e was sitting down talking to Sasha, while Sasha was too busy into the TV basically paying Niah'e no mind.

"Sasha, can I paint your nails again?", Niah'e asked her.

"Remember last time I let you do that... You spilled the nail paint everywhere.", Sasha replied.

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