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It was morning now. I was sleep on the couch. I felt myself waking up and for some reason; I didn’t feel alone. When my eyes opened, all I saw was an angry sister; Janice. Her hands were on her hips and her facial expression told me she was pissed.

“John? What the fck is up with this house? Why is there trash everywhere?”, she asked angry.

I sat up trying to fully wake myself up.

“How did you even get in here?”, I asked her really wondering.

“Oh how did I get in here? You wanna know how I got in here?”, she said then pointed towards the door, “You left the door open… not only did you leave it open…but you left your keys in the door John”.

I rubbed my hand over my face, it was too early for Janice to be yelling and complaining. I just sat there while she yelled.

“Me, mama, and daddy been calling you like crazy last night, and Djay. Djay is the one who called us saying he’s been calling you non-stop. Like I understand John… I know you’re not ready to deal with what happened. But it’s time to make shit better”, Janice said to me.

“That’s easy for you to say… it wasn’t your daughter”, I told her getting aggravated.

Janice frowned at me, “She was my fcking niece, my only niece- this is not only hard for you John. That was mom and dad first grandchild- you’re not the only one that’s hurting. You wasn’t the only parent either… did you forget about Angelah?”

“Ight man”, I said not wanting to hear her mouth anymore, “ are you done now?”

“No I’m not done…. Clean this place up, take a shower and come head over to mama house for family breakfast and lunch”, She said to me.

“This is gonna take me a while to clean and I don’t feel like going over to mamas right now”, I told her.

“Okay the cleaning could wait because you’ll probably need days of cleaning, but you’re coming over to mamas. So cut the bullshit and get ready, I’ll be waiting in my car”, Janice said as she threw my house keys at me and left out.

I sighed, I really didn’t wanna be bothered, but I got in the shower and got dressed. Looking in the mirror, I really needed my hair braided, until then… I just wore it out. I went out the door after, walking to Janice car. I opened the backseat door and got in, laying my body on the entire backseat of her car.

“I don’t know why you acting so tired, I bet you been sleep for a while”, Janice said to me

“Just drive please”, I told her closing my eyes.

Janice was chatting more but she started driving finally. Once we got to my mom’s house, I realized I was pretty hungry. I got out the car with my sister and we both entered the house.

Soon as I walked inside, I saw my mom cooking up some breakfast that smelt good. I saw my dad watching the sports channel in the living room. When my mom saw me, she gave me a huge smile.

“Aw baby you came”, my mom said while walking over to hug and kiss me.

“That’s my boy?”, I heard my dad voice say as he made his way over to me, “ it’s been a week boy, where you been?”

Before I could answer my dad, Janice decided she’ll answer for me.

“He’s been at that messy house of his- sleeping his life away”, Janice told them.

“Aw baby… we been worried sick about you all last night”, my mom said to me while rubbing my cheek.

“I know, I’m sorry mama”, I told her.

She sighed, “Well at least we know you’re okay”, she said walking back into the kitchen, “breakfast will soon be done”.

That’s all I really wanted to hear. That being said I plopped myself on the couch my dad was no longer sitting on because he was too busy trying to sneak food out of the pan mama was cooking in.  Janice was heading upstairs- talking on the phone. I picked up the T.V remote to change the channel. That’s when the doorbell ranged. I hesitated to answer it until my mom asked me to answer it. I sighed while placing down the remote and making my way to get the door. When I opened the door, my heart dropped.

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