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It was very early. A little too early for my likings- but I listened to my mom’s advice finally. I walked up to this grey and brown looking building. I sighed after staring at the building for several moments, and then I entered. Soon as I walked in, a heavy-set woman was at a desk talking on the phone. When I approached her, she told the person on her line to give her a moment.

“Hello handsome, how can I help ya”, she asked me with her deep country accent.

I chuckled a little, “Uh, I’m Johnathan Smith; I’m scheduled for an appointment” , I told her.

She looked through pages in her binder, and then she widely smiled, “Ah… here we are, a 9:00 appointment with Miss Lauren?”, she asked even though she obviously know the answer.

“Yes, that’s the one”, I told her.

“Well it’s 8:58, you’re more than on time… just walk right through those double doors and it’s the first room you see on the right”, she told me giving me directions.

“Thank you”, I told her as I began to walk.

“Anytime Mr. Smith”, she told me.

Once I was through the double doors, I saw the first room on the right, exactly what the lady guided me to. I entered the room to see a young lady sitting in a chair. She friendly smiled.

“Is this Mr. Smith?”, she kindly asked me.

“Yes, are you Miss Lauren?”, I asked her back.

“Yes I am, please have a seat”, she told me nicely.

I sat in this big leather brown chair, which was placed in front of her. I got comfortable and exhaled all of my nerves.

“I’m finally happy to see you, I had you booked for a ton of appointments and you showed to none, you must have money to blow”, she joked while giggling.

I slightly laughed, “Well apparently not as much as you”, I said as I glanced around the room, looking at gold medals and certificates and all type of good things.

She laughed, “So what brings you here today? I know about your situation because your mother mentioned it to me… is that what you are here for? What’s on your mind so bad that you finally decided to give me a chance to have open ears for you”, she asked me.

I sighed, “Honestly… I don’t know”.

“Of course you know, if you didn’t then you probably wouldn’t be seated right there”, she friendly replied.

I sighed again, “Ight… you right. I don’t know how these programs work… but … I just feel stressed and I need help”, I told her.

“Help on what, the stress? Or the problem that’s causing you to feel stressed?”

“Both”, I replied quickly.

“Ah okay. So tell me… what might be the issue?”, she asked me.

I was getting annoyed already with all her questions and statements, I thought these people were just supposed to send you home with a lot of advice, but instead it feels as if I’m taking a test.

“Well you already know about the accident because my moms told you and all that. I guess I’m having a hard time dealing with it… and now it’s getting bad because I’m hurting people I care for”, I told her.

“Is this person… a family member?”, she asked me.

“Yea I guess you can say that”, I told her.

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