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I was in the office working, and tired as hell. I heard a small knock on my door.

“Come in”, I said softly but loud enough for the person to hear.

The door was pushing open, my mom walked inside my little office room. She has two steaming mugs in her hands. I laughed because cold days were over but my mom knew how much I complained about the central air in this workplace. My mom handed a mug to me. The sweet aroma of hot French Vanilla Latte filled my nostrils.

“Thanks”, I told her then sipped from the mug.

“I’m leaving the office early today, so I can’t give you a ride home”, she told me.

I chuckled, “is this your way of making it up”, I said pointing to the steaming Latte.

“…Uh..that… and because you always tell me how cold it is in here and besides…you look kind of droopy this evening”, she told me lightly smiling.

I smiled then sipped again, “its okay, I’m getting a ride from-…”

“Ow! From that sexy fella right? What’s his name again.. Fa-…”

“Ma!... bud out of my love life will ya?”, I giggled.

“Sorry, I’m just so happy to see my baby happy again… you deserve to be happy”, she told me.

I just smiled, “Well yea Fabian would be picking me up from here later after my work is done”, I informed her.

“Alrighty then…”, she said walking closer to me to kiss my forehead. I shivered up a bit. I don’t know why.

“You okay honey?”, she asked me concerned because of my reaction.

“Yea… yea it was just a shiver, happens a lot when my forehead is kissed by… never mind”, I tried to explain but didn’t want to anymore. I started organizing some folders I had laying in front of me to try to kill the awkward moment that started.

I felt my mom eyes studying me. Then she spoke, “You know when you ready to talk to him about it you could always call him or his mother and you know try to-…”

“Ma…”, I said giving her this look to let her know I wasn’t interested in where she was taking this conversation.

“I know you don’t like nobody bringing it up baby, but someday you need to get in touch when that man, he’s probably thinking you hate him or something… you need to speak to him baby”, she told me.

“Okay ma, and I don’t hate him…”, I told her.

“Good… but okay I’ll be going now- head out of your working space”, she told me smiling while walking out my office. Once the door closed, I sighed- running my fingers through my hair. I then picked back up my mug and sipped from it then placed it back down. Just then, my phone vibrated on my desk notifying me that I got a message. It was from Janice.

HER: Hey girl, since you off tmrw- you should swing by in the morning.

ME: Okay… no problem.

Janice and I became closer since the accident. We hung out a lot. I remember back when me and her brother (John) was dating she hated me. Janice was a year older than John. She always thought I wasn’t grateful enough for John. One time we even almost fought.


Me and John was arguing for the 4th time. We were at his house, which was his mother house. Nobody was home but me and him and his sister. I and he were standing by the kitchen while Janice was on her laptop in the living-room area.

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