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I couldn’t stop crying. I called my best friend crying asking her to pick me up. Like a good best friend, she came to the rescue. Soon as she pulled up in her car, she was already preaching to me about showing my weak side. She drove us to her house.

  I was laid across Chelsea’s bed still sobbing. I was holding on to one of Chelsea’s fuzzy pillows. Chelsea comforted me while I cried.

“Ang stop crying. Do you want some water?”, she asked.

I just nodded my head ‘yes’. Chelsea removed herself and went to get me some water. I then buried my face into her pillow and let out a light but loud scream. Then I removed my face from the pillow and rested my chin on it.  Chelsea came back and sat on her computer chair with a glass of water in her hand, she was looking at me with sympathy.

“I don’t understand why he would even say that to me”, I told her.

“I don’t know why you waste your time crying over that boy still, obviously he is still the same jerk”, Chelsea said to me as she handed me the glass of water.

I sat up to take the water from her, “It’s not that I’m crying over him… it’s more about him saying things about Niah’e”, I told her while drinking the water then placing it down on her light-stand.

Chelsea sighed, “ I doubt it”.

I frowned, “What do you mean by that?”

“You know exactly what I mean, like yea John bought up Niah’e… but that’s not the issue. If someone else would have said those exact words to you it wouldn’t bother you as much”, she told me.

“That’s bullsh*t and you know it, are you serious right now?”, I was getting upset.

Chelsea rolled her eyes, “Angy… you my best friend -I know you, and from hearing the story --- obviously you still feel a certain way about that jerk”, she started, “When you went to check up on him-- that was the wrong move”.

“I didn’t want him to feel a way about me seeing someone; I didn’t want him to be…-”,

“Who cares if he felt a way?! He needs to feel a type of way. You finally moved on… be happy”, she told me.

“I am happy”, I told her.

She shook her head, “could of fooled me, you’re the one sitting her crying over your old n*gga- that ain’t sh*t.”

“So you’re basically calling me dumb?”, I asked her catching an attitude.

“Not dumb, but foolish… did he care if you felt a way about him moving on?”, Chelsea asked me.

“I and John are two different people, we handle things differently”, I told her.

“Well hey, then be more like John”, she replied bluntly.

I was getting very annoyed; I stood up, “You know what Chels, why don’t you walk a mile in my shoes before you judge me”, I said heading for her room door.

She stopped me, “Angy… okay look…”, she started as I listened to her, “ I apologize… I know… I’m being a b*tch right now. I’m sorry… I just hate seeing you hurt over the same thing. I just need you to move on… you’re on step one already: you found a new man”.

I sucked my teeth and tried to still exit but she stopped me again.

“Angy…please… I mean it… okay. I’m sorry- I just want you to be happy… you deserve it”, she told me.

It took me a moment to calm a little then I sighed, “I know… you’re right”, I still stood up and ran my hands over my face.

“I know I am… so listen… no more John… no more thinking about him and especially shedding tears over him”, Chelsea told me as she grabbed my hand, “like let’s stop talking about him… forget him… tell me about your night with Fabian”

“You are so bipolar”, I told her.

“So are you… that’s why we are best friends, now let’s go… get to the details girly”, she told me.

I looked at my crazy best friend then playfully rolled my eyes while plopping myself back on her bed.

“Okay… so my night…”, I began telling the story.


I was lying on Fabian’s chest as he stared at the ceiling; we both were laid out on his bed. He was caressing my back with his hands while we both lay chest to chest.

“Your family is very nice and comforting”, I told him with my eyes closed.

“That means they like you”, he told me.

I chuckled, “How are you so sure”, I slowly opened my eyes.

“Simple… other females I bought over didn’t think my family was nice”, he told me.

“Oh so meeting the family is a regular –degular thing?” I asked feeling less special but I tried to hide it with a small giggle.

He chuckled, “Hey don’t think that way… I mean a real man’s dream is to bring ‘The One’ home to meet the family… so yea I bought a lot of females’ home… but it didn’t fit. See? But with you… it’s a perfect fit… you’re the Cinderella I’ve been looking for”.

I couldn’t stop smiling, “I’m happy to know that, it’s been a while since I felt this way”.

“Is this ‘way’ a good thing or a really good thing”, he asked chuckling.

I giggled, “A really good thing… honestly; I would’ve been home if it wasn’t, and speaking of ‘home’… when is the right time I should go?”, I asked him.

Fabian then held me real tight with his arms, “Never”.


“Wait -wait… so you guys didn’t… you know…”, Chelsea asked me grinning wildly.

I laughed, “No we haven’t… I’m happy we didn’t… I enjoy the cuddling thing”, I told her.

“Ehmm … girl- friend you are crazy… I’m sorry, but he would have been at least licking my--”

“CHELSEA!”, I laughed, “oh my gosh”.

“What???”, she laughed, “come on Angy- let’s not act like it’s not bound to happen soon”.

“Anyways… enough with my love and sex life”, I told her.

“No-no-no… I need to know more… so when are you going to see Mr. Charming again?”, she asked me smirking.

I playfully rolled my eyes while looking down smiling.

“I knew it! You’re seeing him again tonight aren’t you?!”, she asked smiling too.

“Well if you must know… yea I am”, I told her.

“Aw! Angy”, she shrieked, she was happier than me, “I’m so proud of you”.

I lightly smiled.

“You should be proud of yourself too”, Chelsea told me.

“I am… I just really hope I can finally be happy without worrying”, I told her.

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