2 - A Ginger and A Granger

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I am just lying here, wondering if anyone will ever come to wake me(I've spend more time on that thought then any other), when I hear footsteps.

Several people, my age by the sound of it, are coming up the hidden stairs.

But what about Father?

I hear the Bedroom door open.

Two gasps.

A boy and a girl.

The boy shouts down the stairs, those magic words: "Sirius, get up here!"

Immediately the potion starts wearing off. My eyes flutter and my breathing starts up. I desperately rub at my eyes, trying to get them to work after so long. When my vision clears, I look at the door, and there stand two teenagers around my age. A boy and a girl. The girl is short with brown curly hair and Chocolate eyes, looking surprised. The boy is tall and skinny, with red hair and blue eyes.

This isn't Father.

I reach for my wand just as another person appears at the door.

He is talking to the teens, "Blimey guys, I never even knew this place existed!" He kept going on and on, but then the red haired boy said,

"Look at the bed, Sirius."

By this time I am sat up and looking around the room, which is now covered by about five inches of dust, except the bed, which is pristine.

Nice to know that Mum thought of that.

"What about i- whoa!" Immediately he has his wand out.

I delicately lay my wand on the bed to show him that I mean him no harm. Not that I can't kill him wandlessly. That wasn't the only potion Father gave to me you know.

"Who are you?" The man asks. "And why are you in my House?"

Ohhhhhh. New Black.

Luckily we had a backup plan if things went wrong. (SARCASM)

"Eva Riddle."

The teens look at me alarmed, drawing their wands.

"Hey, what did I do?" I exclaim. "I just woke up from a stasis after God knows how long, and then three different people are pointing wands at me! What's the year?"

"1995" says the girl "I'm Hermione." She adds, lowering her wand.

I do the maths.

"Thirty-Three fucking years!" I whisper, getting a bit - no a lot - angry.

"Really, Thirty-three years? ouch." Says the man.

Then there's an awkward pause.

"What are your names?" I ask, trying to break the ice. The boy looks constipated.

"Why should we tell you, you piece of utter filth! you're just like your father, I can see it in your eyes!" He bursts out. I am just so confused.

"What is so wrong at being like my father?" I ask, weirded out. Sure, Father's a bit aloof, and his favourite spell is the Cruciatas, but-

"See, she doesn't even know it's wrong!" He yells.

I think that's a bit unfair. "What's wrong?"

"Maybe the fact that you seem to think killing hundreds of thousands of people is ok!" He fumes "Or maybe the fact that you're You-Know-Who's daughter, and he's back!" What the Fuck?

"Who's You-Know-Who?"

"Lord Voldemort?" Uhh, what. "Tom Riddle?" He's caused that much fear?

"What do you mean 'back?" I ask.

"He was... kinda dead." The girl says. "He died when he tried to kill our best friend - this was when he was a baby - and now he's back."

I blink, tears scorching my eyes. You don't cry. He's not dead. There's nothing wrong.


"Well... Killing hundreds of thousands of people?" I ask, "That doesn't sound like Father." At least, not Father on a good day, I add in my head.

The man, Sirius I think he's called, looks at me, scrutinising me. Suddenly I recognise him. His wild black hair, and his grey eyes. The rugged Black beauty.

"Excuse me, are you a Black?" I ask him.

"Yes." He looks at me warily.

"My Mother was Lucretia Black. Can I see the family tree tapestry sometime to see how it's changed?" I ask him. "And my father is Tom Riddle." Now I'm gonna give the red haired boy a piece of my mind. "And for the record, I don't agree with anything you've just said about this You-Know-Who guy. They must be different people! Father would never do any of that!"

And, grabbing my wand, I storm down the stairs, and crash into a younger girl. She bears a strong resemblence to the ginger boy, so I guess he's her brother?

"Mum!" she calls.

"Yes Ginny?" comes a nice voice from along the corridor. A plump ginger woman comes out of the door on the left, and looks upwards. "What is it?"

"Is there supposed to be a new girl?"

"A new girl? No. why?" She asks.

Right then I decide I've got to take matters into my OWN hands. "Because I'm here, because some idiot cancelled my stasis!" I call out angrily.

"Don't listen to her Mum!" came the boy's voice from behind me."She's You-Know-Who's daughter!"

What a Poop.

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