11 - not a full stop

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My name is Eva Riddle, I am fifteen years old, and I am in a coma.

It sucks.

Why am I in a coma you may ask?

Well if you hadn't interrupted I would have told you by now.

I was an idiot.

He told me to keep my head down, stay out of trouble. I did, for the most part.

"Eva... Riddle?"

"Yes Professor Umbridge."

She looks up. "Is this some kind of joke?"

"What do you mean?" I ask. A joke?

"Why do you have He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named's surname instead of your own?" She asks. I grimace at the way she's worded it. I can't answer.

"I... I don't understand your question Professor. It's my surname."

"No it isn't. He had no children."

"I'm Adopted." I smile sarcastically.

"Eva. I do not appreciate this prank." She smiles her sickly sweet smile and I have to grip my seat very hard to stop myself drawing my wand.

"It's pronounced Ev-er, not Eve-er."

"Detention!" She shrieks. "Five o'Clock tonight, my office."

"Fine, just accept my name and I'll go to a weeks worth of detentions!"

I was an idiot.

She dipped the blood quill in some sort of potion - that much is obvious, and I don't how long I've been lying here under it's thrall.

It's like complete blindness, plus I can't move. Its like I'm locked inside my head, and it's locked from the outside.

I can't move.

I can't see.

I'm in a bed.

People come and hold my hand, kiss my hand, stroke my hand. Fred is by my bed almost 24/7, and he's holding my hand and talking to me.

"I know Madam Pomfrey says that people in comas can hear, but it's hard to believe when you don't respond. I think I love you Eva. It's been three weeks, can't you open your eyes?"

I want to Fred, I honestly do.

I hear squeaky footsteps. "I'm sorry Mr Weasley, but this isn't about how clever she is. It's about whether I can figure out what potion was used on her. It's holding her and until she gets an antidote, she won't wake up."

"Then why can't you get Snape on it!" Fred says rather loudly. I can hear the echoes.

"Professor Snape, Mr Weasley. He is rather busy already, though he is searching in his spare time."

He lets go of my hand and stands up.

Don't go Fred!

"Madam Pomfrey," He begins. "If you think for one second that the war effort is more important than Eva, remember this - she's his DAUGHTER. If she dies, things get worse for us. She is the single most important weapon in this war, more important than Harry, by far! She's survived so far by you using muggle instruments to pump food into her! That does not sound like someone who is trying. She's the one who should be being looked after." Then he sat down and, with a flick of his wand, drew the curtains shut around my bed. "Muffilato." He muttered, and we were clear.

"I'm sorry Eva."

I'm sorry too Fred. It's not your fault. I was an idiot. You didn't switch those quills and give her a vengeance did you?

It's becoming harder not to sleep all the time. I drift in and out of conciousness though no visible signs show up to Madam Pomfrey. The only way she can test is my heart rate, and luckily it works. When I'm asleep, it slows right down, but when I'm awake, it speeds up.

She can tell, and now she only lets Fred in when I'm awake.

I miss it.

What can I do?

"I'll give you until Christmas Eve. If you wake before midday on Christmas Eve, I'll take you on a date on Boxing Day." He whispers one day.

I'm trying Fred, I really am.


Time passes, even if you're in a coma. Hermione keeps trying to teach me what I'm missing. Willow doesn't visit anymore. Fred holds my hand.


I've Always thought that the word Coma was just a play on the word Comma, that a Coma is like a pause in someone's life. But people don't always wake up from Coma's and that makes them full stops.

I hope my coma is a comma, not a full stop, because I want to live my life. I want to earn my OWLs and NEWTs and get a job and live a life with Fred and beautiful red-haired kids.

Let it be a comma.



"Eva?" This time I recognise the voice. But who is it? "I want you to know that I'm sorry for being so judgemental. I'm sorry for not getting to know you, and judging you based on your father. I stopped thinking of you as 'Voldemort's Daughter' quite a while ago, but I was to stupid to realise it." Only a few people I know will say the word Voldemort. It's not Dumbledore and it's not Hermione. It has to be Harry.

The chair creaks as he sits down."This is pointless though. You can't hear me."

Yes I can!

"You're probably floating through dreamland."

No I'm not Harry!

"Look, I'm sorry about detention too. I should have taken the poison quill."

How would you have known? I didn't.

One mistake. Idiot idiot.

Stupid stupid stupid.

So I'm unconcious until they find a cure.

One mistake, and I'm the one left behind once again.


Hey! It's me! I'm working on Forever Riddle right now and a lot. I don't know what it is, but I am inspired.

The 'coma experience' that she goes through is all part of the plan. This chapter actually based off Cool by Michael Morpurgo, as I have no experience of comas.

The next chapter will be based (a bit) on Queenie by Jaqueline Wilson, and you'll see why.



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