12 - What if I don't wake up?

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They're trying new potions each day, and each day the list of poisons narrows down.

A week or so before the christmas holidays begin they finally test for the right potion. Two months of tests and FINALLY they get it right.

"This morning we're testing for the drought of living death."

And, in my head, I wake right up. They've found it! Today I'll open my eyes!

Of the tests, a few show positive, but most show negative. The potions has worked it's way through my system and it mostly gone.

"The antidote will wake her within a few hours if it works. We'll put it in the fluid bag."

The needle in my arm both annoys and amuses me. They're using muggle things to keep me alive because they can't do it themselves. Muggles have succeeded where wizards have failed. Muggles.

As the potion spreads through me, I feel as though I am in deep water, rising slowly through layers and layers towards the surface.

It's a strange feeling.

But I am waking up.

Crashing through the layers faster and faster towards the shore and I'm so nearly there and the hours seem like minutes because I'm waking up.

"Her heart rate's right up, she's awake. She's just waiting to be able to open her eyes."

No, I'm forcing my eyes to open, even for a second, just to see.

And I'm can! My eyes are opening! The world is all fuzzy and out of focus, but I fix my view on a crop of red hair.

He's holding my hand. "Fred?" My voice cracks.

"Early christmas present for me!" He grins, and I squeeze his hand.

I look at Hermione, Harry, Lee and George. "All of you guys too!" I then frown. "Where's Ron?"

"He's christmas shopping." George says.

Something clicks "And you guys? Have you done your christmas shopping?"




"Um, I think so..." Lee replies.

"Definitely." Fred is holding my hand and it's cute and sweet and lovely and I think I love him.

"Okay, she's awake, now OUT!" Madam Pomfrey says sharply. "She needs to rest up so she can go home with the rest of you!"

They troop out except for Fred. "Love ya." He kisses my cheek and I smile. I really am still tired...

Fred leaves and Madam Pomfrey begins her check-ups.

"You've been lying there for two months, your muscles are wasting away." She tuts. "You won't be able to walk far."

"Why not?"

"When you don't use your muscles, they start to waste away, so you'll need to do some excercises to get them working properly again. Even then it would take a few weeks for you to be walking normally."


"Without a potion." She adds hastily. "Skele-Gro changes it to three to four days, but still, I think you'll have to have crutches for around a week."

"Okay." I pause for a minute. What's a crutch? "Can I try to walk?"

"You can try, but make sure you always have something to lean on, and stay near your bed." She advises.

Just then the door opens and someone comes in with a bloodied arm.

"I have to go, call me if you need me." She waves her wand, and a pair of grey shiny sticks with rubber ends. I guess these are the crutches?

I pull the needle out of my arm, wincing, and swing my legs over the side. I stretch them out.

Ouch I'm stiff.

I place them on the floor, and try putting weight on them. It's scary how they shake and try to collapse.

Maybe I should use the crutches.

I grab them, and slip my arms through the loops to the handles. Is this how you use them? I hope so.

I lean on them and try again. This time I stand up. I'm shaking, but I can put one leg in front of the other.

Left foot

Right foot.

Swing the crutches.

Left foot

Right foot

Swing the crutches.

I get it! But it's tiring, so I head back to my bed.

Left foot

Right foot

Swing the crutches

Left foot

Right foot

Swing the crutches.

Into bed.

I am so tired that my eyes close almost immediately, but I don't sleep. Not just yet.

I won't sleep.

Because what if I can't open my eyes when I wake?

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