5 - Hearing

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I wake up a week later and groan, rolling over into my pillow. My first meeting with the famous Harry Potter(yes, I know his name now) did not go well.


I walk out of the kitchen to call the others to dinner.

The stairs are not my best friend, let me tell you that, and I huff and puff until I reach the right door, and knock. Harry has finished his ranting, thank goodness.

Hermione opens the door.

"Oh, Hey Eva! What's up?" She asks.

"Dinner's ready, and everyone needs to wash their hands, as this house is so mucky nowadays." I reply.

"Okay," She says, and is about to turn away, when she appears to get an idea. "Hey, Harry!" She calls him over.


"This is Eva." I hold out my hand, and he takes it.

"Harry Potter." Ahh! So it's Potter, not Plotter.

"Eva Riddle. Pleased to meet you." Harry hurriedly removes his hand.

"Well, come on then!" I say light-heartedly, trying to put off the inevitable.

"Riddle. You're a Riddle?" He asks, strong emotions showing on his face. I back off fast as he brings his wand up to my chest. "You're HIS! Don't

Deny it! Why are you here? What do you want!"

"Actually, I'm here because your tea's getting cold, so kindly point your wand away from my chest!" I dart out of the room away from him.

A minute afterwards, I am sitting in my bedroom, tears trickling down my face, brushing my hair over and over (It's my habit when I'm upset) with the hairbrush my father got me.

Why did I expect him to like me?

-End of flashback-

"Eva!" Ginny peeps into the room.

"Yeah?" I sit up.

"Mum says we're doing your floor today, so you can clear up your room after breakfast."

"YAY!" I shout, spinning dressed, then sliding down the bannister.

This house used to be so much more alive.

I noticed my Father's locket in a cupboard the other day, and I kept it. It makes me feel better about him not being there. I am also trying to be nice to the house elf, Kreacher, as he is very old.

When I get to the bottom, I shake my head and click my fingers, and my hair turns to it's natural black. Along with my grey eyes, I like my natural look.

I walk along the hallway, switching objects as I go. The trolls leg umbrella stand is quickly replaced with an unbreakable china Lily, standing two feet tall.

The black and gold patterned wallpaper is replaced with a rich dark purple with silver gilding.

The stairs are replaced with the ones that were there thirty-three years before. Namely, light brown and shiny.

The chandelier is replaced by several smart wall lamps.

And all the doors are now white wood.

I open the kitchen one and enter, looking for breakfast. I immediately spot Sirius cooking on the oven. He is making pancakes.

"Hey Sirius?" I ask.

"Oh, hi Eva. Yeah, what?"

"Why does Harry hate me?"

Forever Riddle (Willow style) DISCONTINUED || Harry Potter ||Where stories live. Discover now