16 - Possessions?

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"I am setting out for St. Mungo's now. Stay where you are. I will send news as soon as I can. Mum."

George looks around the table."Still alive..." he says slowly. "But that makes it sound..."

"Don't say it!" I hiss, upset.

But the damage is already done, and each of them winces, blood draining from their faces. I grab Fred, and make him look at me. Harry stumbles out of the room, his face white.

We were the snake... we were the snake. How is this possible?

The kitchen vanishes, but I can still feel everything around me, I can still feel Fred's arms around me.

"Eva," Father. I look up, see him, and smile. "Calm down, the Weasley will not die."

I allow myself to relax. There's no way Father will let him die now.

"Will I see you soon?" I ask him,"Or Mum?" he runs his fingers along my cheek.

"Your mother died not a year after you drank the potion." he reveals. "Jessica was Kissed not long after. It's just us two now." He smiles sadly at me, his marred face still holding all the charisma and love from his youth, yet weighed with the deaths of my mother and sister. "I will see if I can send a message locket to you, but it may come through one of the Slytherin students."

I fling my arms around him, and smell him, drawing in the scents of ink and salt that he has always possessed. "That's fine, father. I just wish we could meet in person."

"I miss you too." He murmurs, "Maybe this summer." To him, I smell of potion ingredients and roses.

"Maybe." we cling tighter, even as the vision starts to fade.

"Eva, Eva." Fred is whispering. I open my eyes.

Everyone is getting up, looking for cloaks. I glance at the clock, and a few hours have passed. Nobody seems to have noticed my little out-of-body excusion.

I shift and stand up, before spinning into my cloak.


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