Chapter 4

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Akuma POV

'Next Morning'

"Hey Akuma!" Haruhi yelled jogging up to me, she stopped next to me and frowned.

"What's wrong?" she asked looking at me with concern, but when I picked up my head she gasped.

I couldn't blame her though, my eyes were bloodshot and I wasn't smiling like I always do. And I was in such a bad mood I forgot my glasses.

"What's wrong Akuma? You never forget your glasses, and were you crying?" she asked looking closely to my face, I walked past her and stopped, without looking at her I said.

"I just need a little alone time, sorry." I say to her walking to school, I had tears streaming down my face.


By the time I made it to school the kids were running around talking to their friends, walking into the crowd of people I quickly tried to past through. When I made it to the end of the crowd I broke out in a run with my head down which caused me to bump into someone, I quickly got up muttered an "sorry" and started running again.

"You commoner, you made me spill coffee on my clothes! You know how that will stain, your cleaning this you little DEVIL!" he screamed at me while I ran around the corner my heart pounding, I leaned on the wall that word playing over and over in my head.

'You DEVIL!'

'Your the reason your father is missing, you little DEVIL!'

'Get away from my kids DEVIL!'

Pictures flashed in my head of my father smiling, people throwing stuff at me, and people chasing me. Losing control of my body I felt myself running, but I couldn't see because of all the visions passing my head. Taking a step I felt nothing I balanced myself out and took a deep breath, right when I was about to move I felt something push my back and I flew off the floor. It felt like 10 seconds till I hit the floor, opening my eyes I saw the stairs and a figure at the top before black spots invaded my vision.


Third person POV

A girl was walking to her class she passed the stairs, but somehow she felt some invisible force pulling her to look over the railing to the stairs. She obeyed the force and looked over the railing and gasped, she ran down the stairs and bent down to the girl.

The girl was a blonde girl she had it in a ponytail and her hair was slightly painted red from her blood. Her clothes, which was a black turtle neck shirt and skinny jeans and sock monkey hat, her hat was slightly soaked with blood.

"Oh my god, HELP!" The girl screamed, tears coming to her eyes for a girl she didn't even know.
As this was happening Haruhi was walking in the hallways, thinking what is wrong with Akuma.

"Oh my god, Help!" A girls voice pleaded, sounding desperate.

Haruhi ran to the sound of the voice and stopped at the top of the stairs horrified, she saw her best friend laying on the floor with a girl sitting beside her with a bit of blood forming around her. She ran toward the closes room, which happen to be class room 2a and slammed open the door.

Every head turned toward her surprised, Tamaki stood up from his seat but didn't move.

"Haruhi, what's wro-" he was about to ask, but got cut off.

"Akuma fell down the stairs!" she yell out, running back out and ran down the stairs.She heard footsteps behind her, but she kept her eyes on Akuma. Soon a whole crowd formed with everyone was just standing and whispering, Mori picked her up gently and took her to the nurses office the host following behind quietly.


Sorry it took so long I didn't know if I should continue, or stop. Anyway if it sucked I'm sorry, if it didn't I'm glad you liked it.

٩ε ۶ Here have a lumpy space princess. AKA LSP


What I call a blushing Tamaki when he's begging like a dog!

(ω) if you don't see the resemblance that's fine.

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