Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I have news that I shall be recieving news tomorrow at 9:00am sharp from Mrs Lavania. She has news that is related to me, so really this news is mine, but I don't know this news so I can't possibly tell you this news. Why is a raven like a writing desk? Can't answer that one either, can you?

The day was average. It was an enormous school. I bet I'l get lost tomorrow. We all hung out and helped each other today, but this was the first day, you're meant to do that. Tomorrow is the second day, and that is not the same as the first day. ANYWAY.

Art was a fun lesson. I drew a frog. I named it Minho because it came to my attention in the middle of Art that Minho, in some ways, looks like a frog. I also decided that Key looks like a cat and Jonghyun looks like a dinosaur. Pretty messed up mind I have, huh?

In Drama, we were told about the End of Year Production. 

The bell rung; another dramatic sentence. We all filed into the Drama studio, looking around for the teacher, but she was nowhere to be seen, so we all helped ourselves to a chair and sat down in a semi circle. We were all chatting quietly; Taemin and Octopus, Jonghyun, Key and Ces, Flora and Onew. So that just keft me and Minho. I learnt that he is a sports maniac and is really into heathly living. I wasn't about to tell him about my shitty diet; eating crap and then going on a three mile jog to burn it off. I don't think he'll understand my methods. I told him that I can swim without floaties. Okay, just joking, but just so you know, I can swim without them XD.

Just then, Mrs Horsefield,  the Drama teacher, elegantly floated into the room, her velvet dress swishing around her ankes. She had a short, spikey, brown haircut and a pleasant smile. She seemed to know what she was doing, even if she was only standing at the front of the class, watching us. She reminded me greatly of Emma Thompson. Whenever she spoke, she had this grand voice that hooked you.

"Welcome to St Agnes'; a school that excells in the Performing Arts." she said. She was almost as dramatic as Dermot O'Leary with the X Factor Results. "Here you will learn to give out advanced performing techniques with an ease and grace that most don't have."

We all looked at each other, clearly confused. Our minds were blown. She then told us about the production at the end of the year. This year, the school was going to do "Olivia." How I loved that musical.

"Auditions will be held in a few weeks, I suggest you start practising your audition songs and dances."

"Will we have to learn any lines at all, Miss?" asked a blonde haired girl. She had pale skin and shockingly bright eyes. I hadn't really noticed her over the day.

 "You will be given a script when you perform, to test your abitliy for spontaneous acting." Mrs Horsefield. The Drama lesson progressed like this, people asking questions, Mrs Horsefiled answering them. The bell went soon enough, and we were given a final reminder to learn a song and dance to it.

"That sounds good. You up for it?" Octopus asked me as we made our way to the canteen.

"Hm? Oh yeah, it sounds good." I nodded as I picked up a tray and made my way across the kitchen.

"'s it going?" Octopus asked me. I looked at her. She looked at me like an pedophile watches a kid climb out of a kiddy pool; eagerly.

"I'm fine." I replied, deciding I was in the mood for a ham and cheese Panini. Octopus grabbed a bacon roll and followed me over to the till.

"Do you like it here?" Octopus nudged me.

"Yeah, it's way better than I thought it would be."

"That's good. What about that Minho guy? He seems nice..." Oh, I see where this is going.

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