Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

"Hey, guys, guys! Be careful with that thing!" I could hear Key down the hall, instructing the movers with my furniture. The guys had thankfully offered to help us with the move. Right now, me, Mum and Key were shorting my place out whilst Jonghyun was with Ces, Taemin with Octopus, Onew with Flora and Minho with Beth.

When Mum first met Key, she was taken back. She hadn't realised a guy could have this much Diva and still be straight. They got along like a house on fire, chatting about this, that and the other. I sighed and sat down on a cardboard box. Ed trotted over to me and jumped on my knees, pushing his head against my hand.

"Hey buddy. Are you going to be nice to the other animals and not fight with them?" I stroked his back, remembering the discussion about pets.

"I have a bird, Fence, so he shouldn't be too much trouble. He likes getting out of his cage, and comes when you call him. He's always well behaved." said Beth.

"Well, I have a micro pig. He only needs a little pen or something. Shouldn't take up much room. He is named Squid." I have to say, that I helped Octopus name her pig. Squid. Because when he grunted, he sounded like he was saying 'Squid'. Cool, right?

"Er..I have a kitten, Ed. He's lovely. He'll sleeping my my room with me, and isn't disrupptive or anything." I said.

"I have a rabbit, called Cupcake." said Flora.

"Why Cupcake? Why not Cookie?" Octopus asked.

"I like cupcakes. End of conversation." If looks could kill, Flora would be doing time.

"What pets do you have, Ces?" We all turned to her.

"Only the one. His name is Spiddy. He is a spider."

"I hate spiders!" Beth squealed.

"Spiddy sounds cool. We're atill accepting the fact you called your bird Fence, Beth." I said. I saw Ces smirk evilly like she was plotting something. Go Ces.

"God, people these days. Don't know how to handle stuff." Key said, coming into the room with Mum. She nodded.

"Right well we're almost ready to go now, Brooke. What time is that friend of yours coming round? Beth right?"

"She'll be here with Minho in a few minutes." I told her, coaxing Ed into the cat basket with a rolled up newspaper sheet. Key helped, tapping his finger his fingers inside.

"Go on, Ed. It'll be fun, you'll see." he encouraged him in. Ed took the bait, and softly sniffed around inside whilst Key closed the door.

"Thanks Key." I smiled. Mum was smiling too.

"Hello?! We're here!" Beth's voice came from the hall. "Sorry, the door was open. The men are moving my stuff into the van as we speak."  Beth appeared, followed by Minho. I forgot he hadn't been here before.

"Mum, this is Beth, one of the girls I'll be living with, and this is Minho, a friend of ours."

"Hey Brooklyn." he said, smiling awkwardly. He turned towards Mum. "You must be Brooklyn's mother. It is nice to meet you, Mrs McGowan." Minho bowed 90 degrees. This made Mum smile.

"Nice to meet you too Minho. Please, guys, call me Laura." they shook hands. How nice.

"I can't believe we've actually gone and done this." Beth whispered to me as I locked up the flat for the last time, carrying Ed in the other hand.  "We've gone and bought a house- we've actually done it. Plus, only a week after we signed the actual papers, do we move in." She was right. It happened really quickly. I couldn't wait to get going with it all.

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