Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Octopus' POV

I ditched Ces and Brooklyn on the couch, watching Human Centipede. I love a good scary movie, but that is some gruesome crap in there.

Pwahahahaha, and they fell for my excuse as well. My brother did have tickets tonight's game, but his friend could go, and so I was ultimately rejected, even more than Brooklyn. I had other plans, and I was going through with them.

Before I left, I tipped some leftovers into Squid's pen. We didn't really have a place to put a micro pig, but one day Beth and Brooklyn were chasing Ed around outside, because he had caught a mouse, and at the bottom of the garden they found an old doghouse, so I helped Ces clean it out, and Flora fashioned a little collar for Squid so I could tie him to the house. The only day I wasn't in school, I went out and bought some chicken coop stuff, and made a play area for Squid, and now he loves me even more. Feeling proud. Now Squid lives on the back porch.

I jogged down the side of the house and down the garden path. I'm sure there was a Maccy D's round here somewhere. I walked down the street, and into the town. There was only a few shops, and a midget shopping center. There was a post office, an off license, a small cafe, and then the big-ish supermarket. I had to quit my Saturday job, because I now live too far away from it. Tomorrow, I'll see if I can hitch a job in this joint. I passed all the little shops, which were now closed, and made my way to the shopping center.

It was tiny. Nothing like the one me and Brooke used to visit at home. Our one was huge, with a gym and even a lounge, but this was just pathetic in comparison. Still, it had a McDonalds, so I didn't care too much.

I wondered up to the counter and ordered a burger and Diet Coke. The woman told me to wait over near the seating area so I did. This way, I got to see who came in the door, and guess what they were going to order- one of my favourite pass times in Maccy D's.

There were a few people; a man with tattoo's up his arms, a woman in a pink tank top and short denim skirt, a lady with two kids. I guessed their orders correctly. I've had practise.

The next person to walk in was very familiar. He was a teenaged boy, wearing a black hoodie, with his hands in his pockets. He didn't take down his hood as he walked over to the same woman I had ordered my food from. Wait, where is my food? Meh, I'll stalk this hotty until then. I watched as he conversed with her. She giggled and was generally acting girly. When she gave him his change, she held her hand out too long for my liking. A work colleague of hers nudged her and gave her a tray.

"Winstead, here's your order!" she called out, annoyed that 'Winstead' had interrupted her head flicking, giggle-giggle act with the boy. Did I mention he looked familiar?

I walked over to collect my tray and pay. Hey, that rhymes. I'm so freaking awesome. The woman took my money and glared at me. She didn't even bother getting the right change out. That is the last straw.

"Excuse, may you please give me the correct change? I've noticed you missed the other 20p." Thats right, I'm fussing over 20p. The woman scoffed, reminding me of that bitchy Victoria, and slapped the 20p piece into my hand. I thanked her with a sarcastic smile and turned around, bumping into The Boy.

"Oops! I'm sorry." I stated and I bent down to pick up his fries that hand flown off the tray. I heard the woman laugh at me. I hate her soul.

"Hey, its fine Octopus." Octopus? He knows me? Better yet, he knows my state-of-the-art  nickname?

"How did you..?" The Boy pulled down his hood, revealing his face to me.

"Taemin! What're you doing here?" I asked, standing up, careful not to tip my tray. Crap, I just realised I called Taemin hot. Maybe he is.....Taemin shrugged.

"Same thing you are. Ordering shitty food from a fast food place that uses all parts of the chicken. My hyungs left me alone, so I have nothing better to do." I laughed, whilst peeking over at the woman who was now fuming.

"Do you wanna sit with me?" he continued. I nodded- it was pretty crowded in here. There was no way I could snag a table for myself. Taemin grabbed my forearm and led me over to the only free table, even though it was covered in rubbush and other crap. He placed his tray on a chair and cleared my side of the table for me. I nodded at him, and sat down on the other chair. We unwrapped our food and smiled up at each other.

"So, you're Dodger? In the production?" I asked, even though I already knew he was. I was just making conversation. Taemin nodded whilst biting his burger and covered his mouth.

"Yeah. You did better though...You're the lead."

"Yeah, well I had to do a callback, didn't I?" I said, pointing that out.

"But you beat Victoria; that proves you're way more talented than her." I blushed at this and picked at my chips.


"Ye-" We both started and stopped when we realised the other was speaking. I blushed even more.

"Go on," Taemin encouraged me. I shook my head.

"I wasn't really going to say anything. You go," Taemin smiled.

"I was just going to say, you have a micro-pig? Which you named Squid?" I nodded at both questions.

"Yep. Brooklyn and my younger sister helped me name him. My sister's called Ocean, and Brooke likes underwater creatures." I could see he was shocked, confused and slightly amused.

" your real name Octopus?" Aw, he is confused. I shook my head again.

"My real name is Octavia, but that's too pretty to be my name. Even my Mum said Octopus suits me better." I took a big bite out of my burger.

"I think its a nice name. Anyway, nothings too pretty to be your name." I looked up and saw Taemin smiling at me.

We talked for a while longer, until the cleaner came and started to sweep the floor.

"Do you want a lift home?" Taemin asked, leading me out of the door.

"Er...I think I can walk home just fine." I said, smiling at the thought of going home with Taemin.

"I'll walk with you. I live not too far away from you guys." he said, taking my arm. I smiled. I haven't done this much smiling since my sister kicked the neighbourhood bully where he breathes. Priceless.

Taemin and I started talking about this, that and the other. He's really into dancing. What confuses me is we go to a school for the Performing Arts, but we don't have regular Dance lessons....

Taemin's phone started ringing. Better yet, it started ringing the "Bob the Builder." theme tune. I love this boy.

"My brother...he changed it...." he muttered, still smiling. What is it with my male friends is that they always smile? Taemin looked at the Caller ID.

"Crap...its my sister....I gotta go..." He said. "Can you make it home okay?" Taemin asked, worried slightly.

"I think I can make it up the garden path without dying. Thanks for everything." I waved.

"I'll see you soon, yeah?" He said, staring at his phone.

"Yeah, I'd like that. Now answer you're phone!" Taemin laughed and did what I told him, walking away and waving back to me.

I really want to see him soon.

I opened the front door. Silence. Through the hall, I could see Brooklyn had fallen asleep at the breakfast bar. Lazy nut. I went through and grabbed Squid from the back porch, so he wouldn't get cold. Yes, he's a pig, but he sleeps with me. Jealous, beyatches?  I crept upstairs. I heard Ces say "Night spiddy."  and I snuggled closer to Squid.

After I changed, I cuddled with Squid under the covers and fell asleep, dreaming that Pockey Nation were going to be a worldwide band.

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