Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

FF>>>> 4 Weeks

"I. Am. So. Tired." Beth collapsed into a chair in the auditorium. 

"Well, duh. We had a busy weekend." said Ces, stretching out her arms.

"Early night tonight, methinks." Flora smiled, almost teasingly.

"Whoa, I feel so much more awake now." said Beth, hopping back up again. Flora gave her "The Look". Beth sat back down again. We all took our seats, us five anyway. The guys were interviewing some potential filled managers with Mrs Horsefield. We had a manager, but we weren't privileged enough to meet her. Oh well.

The rest of the class wandered in, and Mrs Lavania came out from behind her curtain.

"Good morning class. I trust you are all ready to learn." she said, gathering sheets of paper, ready to hand them out.

We chirped good morning back.

"Now, in today's lesson, we are going to learn a new song. Three groups of 5, since five of you are missing, and you'll each have a different song. The group who perform it most entertainingly will get to do it in the show, 'Olivia'. Any questions?"

A girl, named Rosie (Yes, the girl from the audition.) raised her hand. "Do we get to choose which song we get?"

Mrs Lavania nodded. "I have three songs you can choose from. Perhaps you and your group can choose first." Rosie counted out four other people, and went to collect the sheet music. From their loud voices, we soon found out that the song they would sing was 'Remembering Sunday." by All Time Low. Mrs Lavania then gave the other group their sheet music. I really can't be arsed to remember what song they were singing.

"Now girls," said Mrs Lavania, while the other groups got to work. "I'm sure you have and idea or two    for a song that you may like to sing-"

"We've started to write our own." interrupted Beth. Mrs Lavania smiled and nodded.

"That's very splendid, but I've found this song that I think would suit you all. It is by Sandi Thom, called 'I Wish I was a Punkrocker." I love that song! "You have half an hour to learn it. Don't let me down. Also, your choreographer will be coming in later for your first dance session. Be at the studio at six. " With that, Mrs Lavania left. I groaned in my head. I'm pretty sure I groaned outside of my head.

"I don't feel like dancing." said Beth, lazily flopping down on her chair.

"Tough crap, if you don't show, you'll be letting everyone else down." said Flora, taking a long drink of water. One thing was for sure; we were all tired, which means we were agitated. Hating the fact that the choreographer has crappy timing. "Anyway, lets get to work."

"What? With no sheet music?" said Octopus, looking lost.

"Dude, we don't need it because we're boss." said Ces. "Lets get to work."


It was a long half and hour. Yes, it was.

Nevertheless, we tried our best, and Mrs Lavania seemed pleased when none of us collapsed with exhaustion. Apparently, Mrs Lavania wanted all the girls to sing this song, with a dance in the final production. Fun.

"Very good girls." she said, and turned away. Hm. She complimented the others and then class was dismissed. I sighed. This was going to be a very long day.


"Thank God its over!" said Beth, collapsing on the sofa. Only Ces, Beth and me were home; Flora had gone to play tennis, and Octopus went swimming. They're going to be knackered at the end of the day.

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