Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

(A/N The Charity Scene is at the side if you wanna know what it was like.....)

I hummed to myself, walking down the stairs.One step, two step, three step, four. Five step, six step, seven step, more! Okay, okay, that was a lie. There are 34 stairs in all....

"Ahhhhh!" I screamed as my foot came into contact with something solid.

"Ahh!" It screamed back. I fell back and landed on the wooden floor with a thud. I met with some dark brown eyes.

"Minho? Oh my God, are you okay?" I whispered, noticing the other guys were stirring.

"I'm fine, but what about you?" I giggled.

"I'm fine." I said, getting up. "I'll go get breakfast ready." I got up and brushed myself off, wandering out to the bright kitchen.

"Do do do doo do. Do do do doo do." I sang, retrieving the bread from the bread bin. I rummaged around in the fridge, and I found bacon and eggs. I cooked them up, checking to see if the toast was ready.

"Good morning." Key drifted into the kitchen, rubbing his eyes. He seemed to be really tired.

"Hey, you look amazing. Did you sleep okay?" I laughed at his bed hair, pouring out some orange juice.

 "It was alright; if you like sleeping above a snoring Onew." Key grumbled, accepting the glass I handed him.

"Morning!" Beth cheered, swanning into the kitchen.

"Hey," Key greeted her. Beth smiled, and went to go have the daily battle with the coffee maker. The piece of crap never works when we want it. I sorted out the bacon and eggs, separating them all so everyone would have something to eat. I made sure that my plate had a quality bit of bacon on it. 

"Put. Me. Down.!" Octopus was heard loud and clear from the lounge. The thee of us shared confused looks, before we abandoned our tasks and went out to see what Octopus was yelling Blue Murder over. What is Blue Murder anyway? How can murder be blue?

Anyway, the three of us poked our heads round the lounge door, where Jonghyun and Minho were sitting up sleepily, whilst Onew held Octopus' hands, and Taemin got her feet. All were laughing, excluding Octopus. Soon, we were laughing so hard that Flora and Ces came to see what was wrong.

"Put me down, or die. The choice is yours." Octopus growled, looking threatening. She hardly ever looks like that; she always resembles a happy bunny. Onew laughed nervously, and Flora got her phone out, to once again, film a funny moment. Yes.

"Urgh!" Octopus continued to wriggle around, and generally be impossible. I shook my head and went back out into the kitchen.

"Do you need a hand?" I turned to see Minho standing there, watching me.

"Er...You could tell the others the foods ready, and set the table." I said, opening a tin of beans. Minho nodded and went into the other room, hushing the others. There was a stampede to the dining room that we hardly ever used.

"I'm sitting there!" and "No, move your ass." was said several times, and I smirked to myself.

"Want me to take some plates in?" A hand was placed comfortably on my shoulder. Minho again. One could never say no to that.

"Yes please." I said, handing him two plates. Minho laughed, and picked up two more, balancing them on his arms. "Don't drop them," I teased. Soon after, we were all seated and chatting away. The subject came around to our short film.

"We have to make a start on it." Onew was saying. "Team Facebook have already started filming."

"Yeah, but they haven't written a proper script, have they? But Ces and Brooke have, so all we need to do now is get our costumes sorted." said Beth, munching on some toast.

"Okay then, what do you have in mind?" asked Jonghyun, leaning his elbows onto his knees. Beth thought for a minute.

"Charity shop."


It was an hour and a half later, when we were all standing clueless in the middle of the street, peering into the windows of the only charity shop in town. It sure had a lot of junk in it; it was more like an antique store.

"What are we waiting for?" Beth pushed the door open, not caring if we followed. We did, just in case you were wondering.

"These are the kinds of clothes my Grandma would wear." said Ces, inspecting an old dress.

"Dude, these are the kinds of clothes my Mother would wear." said Octopus, looking around her. We all snickered. Typical Octopus.

"Okay, because it smells like old people in here, we'll do this quick. Choose an odd outfit that has nothing to do with our short film; it'll make it way more fun." said Beth, disappearing behind a rack of clothes. I shook my head and followed her.


It was an hour later, and we had all tiredly collapsed on the sofas in a nearby cafe. The whole 'Find a Costume' thing went well. The guys were up at the counter, getting us all refreshments, whilst us lazy asses were sitting down.

"Okay, which one would you Kiss, Snog, Travel, Marry or Live With?" Flora asked Ces, playing with a napkin. Ces thought for a moment.

"I would......" Ces continued to think. "I would Kiss Onew, Snog Key." Beth gave Ces a tap over the head. "Er...Ouch. I would....Travel with Minho, Marry Jonghyun and Live With Taemin." 

"Oooh," The four of us girls sung, earning us a glare from Ces. 

"Shut ya cakeholes. Beths turn." Ces said, turning to Beth. Beth tapped her fingers on the table.

"I would Kiss Taemin, Snog Minho, Travel with Onew, Marry Key and Live With Jonghyun." Ces' turn to hit Beth.

"Stop it you guys. Octopus' turn." said Flora.

"I would....Kiss Minho, Snog.....Jonghyun?" Octopus said, bracing herself fpr a hit by Ces. When it never came, she continued. "Travel with Key, Marry Taemin and Live With Onew. Your turn, Brooke."

Crap. I hadn't realised I would have to say something too. "I'd...........Kiss..Key...Snog Jonghyun....Sorry guys....Travel with Taemin.....Live with Onew and Marry Minho..."

"Shh, guys, they're coming over!" Flora hushed us all and we put on our best 'Adopt a Sloth Now,' faces.

"So, what were you girls talking about?" asked Minho, handing me my drink. I shook my head.

"Oh, nothing you'd be interested in."

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