Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

The next day.

"Okay class, here it is! The list of roles. I would very much like it if you could come over in an ordely queu-" Mrs Horsefield was interuppted by forty teenagers running over to the notice board. There are only two classes for our year, twenty kids a pop, but it seems like so many more...

Anyway. Otopus, being the amazing person she is, raced up to the board as soon as Mrs Lavania held up the paper. She got out her IPod and took a picture of it, threw the sheet down somewhere and raced back to us.

"I got it! Sort of!" she yelled, really excited. She zoomed into the photo and studied it. "Okay, here it is. Drum roll please."

We all patted our knees as if we in some hardcore rock band. Octopus cleared her throat as she picked out our names from the photo.

"Onew = Mrs Murstone,

Jonghyun = Watson,

Key = Sherlock Holmes.

Flora =  Queenie,

Beth = Flo,

Brooklyn =  Eliza

Ces = Annie

Minho = Fagin

Taemin = Dodger. Its says here I got a Callback..." Octopus broke off. She looked kinda worried.

"On which audition?" Key asked, as everyone took in and congratulated each other.

"My acting audition..." Octopus looked like she was on the verge of tears. Ever since we were younger, we dreamed of becoming famous actress'. If she was stuck with just being a background singer and dancer, she would be crushed.

"Has anyone else been called back?" asked Ces, giving Octopus a side hug. Octopus squinted at the screen.

"I think.......I think that says Victoria."


""Go kick some ass, and don't come back until you do!" said Flora. Octopus crossed her fingers and jogged out onstage where she was going to redo her acting audition with Mrs Horsefield and Mr Gibs. Mrs Lavania was somewhere else; no one told us what happened to her.

So thats how it ended up with nine of us on one wing, and Charlotte and Ameilia on the other. They sent us constant death glares. I ignored it. I'll be the bigger person, and crush them like a bug later. Everyone else had gone to lunch, but being the loyal friends we are, we decided to wait for Octopus, and help rub it in Victoria's face when Octopus got the part.

"I have news~" sang Flora, positively buzzing around. We all looked easgerly at her; it was a little bit boring now no one was talking. "I'm taking my driving test."

I started to clap with Ces and Beth. This was good. This meant I had a lift somewhere. Insert cheeky grin here.

"Well done you," said Onew, and they looked at each other for a moment before Flora burst out laughing and Onew blushed, embarrassed. We all laughed, and they guys started to sing the 'Onew Condition Song.'

"Hey, Ces, could I talk to you a sec?" asked Jonghyun. Ces nodded and Jonghyun held out a hand so they could go talk with some privacy. Right before they disappeared out of sight, Jonghyun looked back at me. I gave him a thumbs up signal and then shooed him off. You've done well, Ces.

"So, Beth, what are you doing this Saturday?" asked Key, casually leaning back,

"Well, I was going to develop my plans for World Domination. Why?"

"I wanted to know if you wanted to go catch a movie or something." Key shrugged. Nawh.

"Okay, sure." said Beth. Feeling like I'll be alone forever. I saw someone holding out an earphone and I knew at once it was Minho. I accepted it, because I was bored and could do with some music. Minho smiled and handed me his IPod.

Minho's smile is contagious, and I feel my face break into a huge grin as I scroll through his Playlists. This dude had good songs.

"I don't know, you choose." I said, leaning back on my hands. Minho took the IPod and chose the song 'Video Games' by Lana Del Rey. I smirked. This guy had great taste.

Beth and Key got into a deep conversation, his arm around her. Ces came back with Jonghyun, smiling like a loon on loon pills. I gave her a weird look, and she mouthed "I'll tell you later." Taemin was just sitting there, casting glances at the stage entrance. Onew and Flora were just sitting there, sending each other glances when they thought they weren't looking. Suddenly, Victoria glided out from nowhere, even though she must have come from the stage.

"Hey Victoria, where's Octopus?" Ces asked. Victoria pivoted on her heel and stared at us hard. She stopped as soon as she had Minho's attention. Slapper.

"Oh, Mrs Lavania's just talking with her. She did r-really w..well." she stutterd. It must have pained her to tell the truth. Octopus kicks some seriois ass. I could tell that Victoria hadn't done as well as my friend named after a sea creature.

Speaking of Octopus, she came running and jumped up and down continously on the spot. I watched her, feeling dizzy.

"I did it! I got the part!" she shrieked. If you can't stop them, join them. I started jumping about too. Ces and Beth sent eachother glances that said "Wtf?" and then the awesomeness of jumping spread around, and soon, all eight of us were jumping around, because Onew and Flora are the oldest, and they have to "Set an example." even though it was obvious they wanted to jump too.

"What part did you get?" asked Taemin, slowing his jumping about right down. Octopus stopped as well and cleared her throat for the second time that day.

"I'm Olivia."


"Jongjyun asked me out. On a date, this Saturday."

"I'm so happy for you! You'd make such a great couple!" Flora exclaimed, hugging Ces tight.

"It's not like we're getting married. It's just a date." Our little Ces is all grown up.

"Go Ces." said Octopus, opening a box of pockey; Mrs Lifestocks Pockey to be exact. She suddenly sprang from her place on the couch and ran into the kitchen. There was a clutter to be heard and then she raced back with a black Sharpie pen.

"Octopus, what are you doing?" Ces asked. Octopus held her finger up and continued to write on trhe box. She then held it up for us all to see. She had crossed out the words Mrs Livestock and had written Nation after Pockey, so the box now said Pockey Nation. Four stars for creativity.

"Anyway, congrats on you and Jonghyun, Ces." said Octopus, as she actually started to eat the pockey.

"She's not the only one that has a date, you know." said Beth, coming into the lounge and stealing a stick of pockey. "I'm meeting Key on Saturday."

Flora held her hand infront of her mouth so we couldn't see her food whilst she spoke. "Oh, I forgot to tell you, I'm busy Saturday, with a friend." she meant Onew.

"My brother has a ticket for the Saturday game, and his mates bailed on him, so I'll be at the game on Saturday."

"Guys! You make me feel like such a Larry Loner! What am I going to do?" I whined.

"Make plans. You need to build your social life higher." Beth commented.

"I have a social life. I have Facebook." Saying this earned me four stares from the others.

"You'll be okay, here by yourself, right?" asked Flora. I nodded.

"Go, have your fun. I'll find something to do."  

Saturday was the day after tomorrow, and Flora wanted me to go with her and get something for her to wear on Saturday. Ces wanted to come too, and Beth. Octopus didn't want to turn out like me, a Larry Loner, so we all made plans to go into town after school on Friday. This made me feel like I actually had friends.

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