Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

(A/N The cat at the side is Ed XD)

"Let's all play the The Dare Game!" Ces said, a mad glint in her eye.

"Ces, you have the mental age of a six year old." Flora laughed. Ces nodded.

"Yep, I was also born naked am freaking proud."

"Weren't we all born naked?" asked Onew, not getting the joke.

"Nope, I came out wearing Converses and Abercrombie," said Octopus. I had to clap her. Best thing she's come out with all day, because you know, you it was 00:04am.

"Come on guys! Someone grab a bottle and lets get started." Key sang. If Key want to play the game, we all have to.

We all sat around the room, on top of The Fort (it's so important that it needs Capital Letters in front) as if we were pre-schoolers. Ces spun the bottle, being the cool bean she is. It landed on Key.

"Key, go give the girl you like most in this room a back massage until your next turn." said Jonghyun. That was a fairly good one. I watched as Key eyed all five girls in the room, a little disapointed when he skimmed over me. I waned a back massage, beyatch. Key stood up abruptly and skipped over to Beth. He settled down behind her, flicked her blonde hair forward and started to casually rub her shoulder blades. I think may have seen a blush on Beths cheeks.

Flora spun the bottle. It landed on Minho.

"Seven Minutes in Heaven to the person five spaces down to you." said Flora. Minho counted five people and came eye to eye with me.

"You can do whatever you want in these Seven minutes, but you have to do it together." said Jonghyun, pushing us in the downstairs bathroom and closing the door hastily behind us.

"Well.....this is awkward." I said.

"Yeah...Should we just chat?" Minhi suggested. We did chat. We sat on the bathtub talking about music, school, unicorns, movies. It was nice, until some eedget banged on the door.

"There better be some skinship in there!" shouted Jonghyun. "Or we're coming in!"

I blushed, as did Minho. It was a while before either of us did anything. All of a sudden, I felt warm breath on my cheek and heard Minho whisper "For the games sake." and he kissed me on the cheek. I wish I could relive that moment again and again and again.

Octopus came barging in. Twit.

"Come out now guys! We got bored without ye~ plus, its been 6 minutes and 54 seconds."

6 seconds too short, dimwit. Me and Minho casually exited the bathroom. I noticed that Key was still massaging Beth and Ces was now sititn gin Jonghyuns lap. She smiled at me. I gave her a descreet thumbs up and sat back down. Taemin spun the bottle. It landed on Flora.

"Please could you go and make some chicken?" asked Onew.

"Surely you're not still hungry, are you?" Key asked, frowning.

"Dude, I'm Onew, and I have a passion for chicken. There is nothing wrong with the world."

"Someone drag their sorry ass in here! Unless you want burnt chicken..." Flora called from the kitchen. Onew immedietly sprang up from where he was sitting.

"No chicken gets burned on my watch." he said, and sprinted to the kitchen. He really was obsessed. Minho spun the bottle. It landed on Taemin.

"Taemin, take off your shirt and run around the garden." said Jonghyun. We all stared at him.

"Why just Taemin? Can't we all?" asked Beth. There was a sudden rush to the back door.

"No! Wait! Taemin's innocent!" Key yelled.

"So are we all!" yelled Octopus.

I stopped. Did I really want to take off my shirt? I then realised that Beth and Octopus were shrieking around the garden, and I found I wanted to be a part of that. I nodded to Ces, who was also shirtless. Thanks God for bras, otherwise this situation would be different. Very different.

I found some water guns in Octopus' bag; don't ask why, she just always has them. I chucked one at Ces.

I found Octopus' IPod and put it on the docking station in the kitchen, put on Ghostbusters, turned it up full volume and opened the window. Flora and Onew were greatly disturbed when they saw me.

"Don't ask." I said, and swaggered outside. This was a great way to make your new neighbours love you.

As soon as I was out, I started squirting the trigger on the watergun at my first target; Octopus. Ces was already destroying Beth.

"No fair!" They both yelled, and ran back inside. Me and Ces yelled after them, mocking them, and then running around after the guys. Beth and Octopus came back out; with whipped cream and toilet paper.

It was a battle till the death. Actually, it was just until Flora came out, yelling at us to stop. This was an easy task, as she had a great big bowl of steaming chicken- and this sort of stuff makes you pretty hungry....and we were all soaking, covered with whipped cream and had toilet paper sticking to our skin...

"Flora, we know you'll give it to us." said Ces. But it was too late. Onew and Flora ran back inside, laughing. Its on, beyatch.

Just like when me and Minho came back with food, there was a hurry to get inside. We all rummaged around in the utility room, trying to find our rightful tops. I grabbed the first one I picked up; Minho's.

"Thats my shirt." he said, pouting.

"My one will proabably fit you, or go shirtless. I'm hungry." I stuck my tongue out, giggling like a child watching The Tellytubbies and started to search every room in the house. I wouldn't mind if Minho went shirtless. He was pretty fine looking. It was then I heard giggling.

"Brooklyn! What do your Elf eyes see?" said Octopus. (A/N I love Lord of the Rings too much to not include some of it...)

"They're eating chicken without us, the flabbernoogins." I said, and together, we sprang into the bathroom, feeling so awesome and a part of Ghostbusters.....

They were in the bathtub, trying to stifle they're giggle and failing epically. Octopus pulled back the shower curtain and we jumped in there, stealing the bowl of chicken, only to fins it empty. Onew shall pay.

The others came in and we all stopped and stared at each other, all of them wearing odd shirts that weren't theirs. Trend setter *proud.*  We all burst out laughing. When we stopped, Onew's phone started playing "I'm a Barbie Girl" again. I worry about that boy. We all laughed again. Onew did too, and realised it was his sister calling. Why would she call at 3am?

"Oh crap...I promised her I'd help her study....."

"She waited all this time? Onew, you're in trouble...." Key said, causing everyone to laugh again.

"We should probably go now..." Taemin said, reminding us that sleep was an important thing to teenagers. As was partying, but its looked like we did that already. The boys trailed out to the hall to get their shoes. We all said reluctant goodbyes to each other. Jonghyun hugged Ces. Of course, he told me he was the King of Skinship.

Flora shut the door.

"Well. I think you'd better shower than go straight to bed. We'll clean up tomorrow. I hope you don't have any plans, because I want to add our own touch to this place."

Us four girls nodded and yawned, suddenly noticing we were all really tired. We dragged ourselves upstairs. Whilst Ces was in the shower, I wrote down some lyrics for a song. Not long after, Ces came back, towel drying her hair.

"That was fun. We should invite them over often." she said, snugglig down under the covers.

"Yeah." I agreed.

"See ya in the morning." said Ces, cheerful as ever. even at 3:24am.

"See you." I said turning out the light. I felt something pad up my bed towards me; Ed. I picked him up and settled down with him, thinking about the events that happened earlier that night, and fell asleep dreaming that Pockey Nation became a worldwide band.

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