Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Halloween is here, two days to be exact. Time for joy, time for cheer. Time for fat ginger kids to stuff their faces with calories that they should be burning on Guy Fawkes' bonfire. Twats.

The school is holding a dance. Yes, it actually does that; schools organise dances. This one was a special themed 'Halloween' one, because it was, you know, Halloween. Yeah, thats right, I am smartass, bow down.

Truth is, everone else was all loved up and had dates for the dance. I didn't. Don't get me wrong, I'm not all that bad, I guess (says my Mum....) and I've had offers, but I didn't get a good vibe from the boys. One of them smelt like crack. One of them wasn't even a guy.

Ever since that night with our first dance session, I've been feeling awkward around Minho. I think I've mentioned it before, but.....I can't really look a him like I did on the first day. Probably because I said I'd try and get through college with no romancing, or a boyfriend. Dating, yes, boyfriend....Well, then I'd met Minho.

Pwahahaha, I'm fussing over a boy who thinks I'm just a friend. Because I am. Just a friend. FML. Then came the night when the guys came round and the others talked about costumes.

"We should all do couple costumes!" said Flora. Thats a great idea, but there are only three couples, since BeKey are in an argument and I'm guessing I should stop calling them BeKey.

"Taemin should go with Octopus. You guys could be Alice and the White Rabbit!" How cool is that?

"That's pretty cool." said Taemin. He turned to Octopus. "Do you want know..go with me?" he asked, a little timidly. It was obvious she was going to stutter if she said anything, so she just nodded. Yay.

"What would you dress up as?" Jonghyun asked Ces. She shrugged. 

"A zombier, I guess." Jonghyun smiled.

"Can me and Ces go as the Zombie Bride and Groom then?" Jonghyun asked Ces more than Flora. Flora nodded and Ces grinned, blushing slightly.

"Onew and Flora, you guys should go together!" Onew nodded at Octopus' outburst.

"I already asked her." he said.

"I said yes." said Flora, smiling like crazy. Aw, all loved up.

"What are you going as?" I asked from my place on the armchair. We were all arranged round the room like on our first night here, except I was on the chair and Minho was on the arm.

"Not saying..." said Onew. I looked at Beth who hadn't said anything.  She was silently sittting there, stubborn as ever. I looked over to Key. He was staring at Beth, obviously expecting her to snap at any point.

"Brooklyn...what are you going as?" asked Taemin, remembering I was in the room.

"Er....." I looked around for inspiration and saw a box set of DVD's. "I'll go as Jack Sparrow." I said. I got a round of applause. Right, all I need is a hat and I'm all set.

"What about you, Minho?" said Onew. I looked up to Minho.

"Erm.....I don't really know..maybe something classic? Like a vampire?" said Minho, shrugging.

"Team Edward, are we?" Octopus teased. Minho smiled and shook his head.

"What are you guys doing later?" asked Flora.

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