Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

"Alright class, today we're starting a new project. Its called, Human Relationships."  There was a chorus of murmers and clapping. Whoop di doo. As if I could have a proper relationship with a human. My love life goes as far as the fridge.

"So, if you could pair up, one girl and one boy, we can get started." said Mr Saunders. Why do we even need this relationship lesson stuff if we go to a school for the Performing Arts? I see Ces and Jonghyun have sat down next to each other. Key held Beth's hand, so they're a pair. Onew and Flora sat in silence, stealing occasional glances at each other. Octopus was ill today, so Taemin was looking for a partner.

"Should we pair up-" Minho started, but was interrupted by a harsh coughing.

"Hey Minho, mind if we pair up? There are no boys left." Dude, there's plenty of boys, go pull one.

"Er....okay. If you don't mind, Brooklyn." Minho added. I saw Victoria smirking like a catapillar on weed.  I nodded, to piss her off.

"Of course, go with Victoria." I stood up, and seeing as Taemin was still sitting there, I walked over to him.

"Hey Tae, want to be my partner?" I asked, stretching.

"Yes, thank you." Turns out, it was alot of fun. Me and Taemin, being the youngest, babbled on about our friends, our love for milk, TV shows, anything. I stole the odd glance at Minho and  Victoria, and she was clinging to him like a leech on a rock. He didn't look too comfortable, but he tried to smile at her anyway. He looked like he was in pain.

"You like him, don't you?" I whipped my head around and stared at Taemin. "You keep looking over at them, and you're scowling at Victoria. You do, don't you?"

"I do like him, but its not what you think. Its just something passing by," I shrugged. It's no big deal. Minho would never go for a girl like me in a million years, but that doesn't stop him from talking to me. We're just friends.

"I don't think it will. Be careful, though. Don't hurt yourself." Wow, was Taemin always this calm, collected and wise?

The lesson dragged by. We had to do simple stuff, like conversing, and holding hands. Me and Taemin laughed hard, because we found it awkward, just being friends and all. Once again, I looked over at Minho and Victoria and saw Victoria flicking her out of her face with the hand she was holding Minho's with, so he had no choice but to raise his hand with her movements. I hadn't noticed that I'd been staring, until I snapped out of my trance and saw Minho looking at me. I blushed, and turned to Taemin. He seemed to understand what was going on, and acted totally normal about it.

"Can I speak with Lee Onew, Kim Jonghyun, Kim Kibum, Lee Taemin and Choi Minho please? Its something important." Mrs Lavania poked her head around the doorframe, so it looked like she had a floating head. Thats pretty cool. The guys stood up and walked over to her, and out of the classroom.

"Okay guys, take a break until the boys get back." I collapsed back in my seat. I couldn't check the time because we weren't allowed our phones in class, but I assumed it was nearing school out. I sighed and took a long drink of water. When I capped the bottle I saw Victoria walking over to me, on the warpath.

I expected her to go off ranting, telling me not to hang round with Minho and the guys, and that I should stay the hell out of her way, but she didn't. She plonked herself next to me and crossed her legs.

"Minho's nice, isn't he?" Victoria asked. I nodded.

"He's a great guy, yeah." I said, playing with my waterbottle.

"So do you like him?" she pressed further.

"Yeah, as a mate."

"Don't you want to go out with him?" I laughed at her frankness.

"I don't know, if things work out then I'd be happy to." I answered truthfully.

"So you do like him? In that way?" Victoria frowned slightly.

"Er....I guess so?" I asked more than replied.

"Oh. Okay then." She flicked her hair back and started to hum.

"Why? What's wrong?" I asked, leaning forward so I could see her face.

"Oh, its nothing. I just heard Minho talking about you, is all." I gulped.

"Wh-what did he say? About me?" My turn to press charges.

"Hmm.....that you always wear scruffy clothing thats far too big for you, and that you live amongst vermon." I spluttered.

"He did not say that, did he? He would know, he's been to our house!" I almost yelled. I said it loudly enough to get weird looks from Mr Saunders, Beth and Ces. Flora was busy talking to Rosie and Lauren, two other girls in our form. The ones from the audition.

"Don't ask me, he said it. I'll be going now." Victoria said, skipping over to her seat. The guys came back in, looking happy and proud.

"Whats going on?" I asked Taemin as he sat back down. He grinned and took a deep breath.

"We're in a band too. We're called SHINee."

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