Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

(A/N This is for Beth, who called me a "Stupid Taco." Thats impossible. Tacos are just too cool. There is no such thing as a Stupid Taco, silly girl, and Ces who got a cocktail stick shoved up her foot. Hope it feels alright soon babe XD)

I was squashed up next to Ces, who was chatting with Jonghyun about what they should do this upcoming Saturday. They're totally in love, I'm totally jealous, because I'll probably die alone with 22 cats. FML. BeKey have gotten extra cuddly since their fight. OnFlor try to be discreet and secret (but fail epically..). Everyone else was casually chatting away. I felt sick at this point. Like I would throw up; I didn't, thank God. Not yet, anyways.

Know where we are? Course you don't. Not unless you're Chuck Norris or KONY. They always know. They're always watching. We were all piled into the back of a Transit van. No, we weren't being kidnapped by some rapist; Onew was driving, and as far as I know, he was clean.

We were on our way to Cantely. In Wokingham. Which is two and a half bloody hours away from London. We've spent all this time playing Snap! with cards on the floor of the van, or singing. The boys were really good; no wonder they were chosen.

"We're here!" Flora cried, turning around from where she was sitting next to Onew to face us. " are some ground rules....just to make sure you don't get mugged, raped, etc. Rule 1....Always be with someone in this group of ten." Oh, my mistake....are we in Primary school again?! "Rule 2....Never go off without that person..." Yep, I was right, as per usual. I bet this is Octopus' fault. Thanks for getting lost in Tesco, beyatch. "Rule back here, waiting outside the van at 23:30, or we leave without you. Go you go..."

There was a scramble to rush out of the van. Everyone scurried off. BeKey, JongCes, OnFlor and OcTae.

"So...want to be my partner?" I turned around and saw Minho there, smiling. That guy never stops.

"Yeah, sure. Its not like I have anyone else." I laughed. Minho held his arm out for me, and I linked my arm round his. We walked around like this; attracting looks here and there. I blushed whenever someone caught my eye; me and Minho were just friends, right? Forever Alone Brooklyn, right? I was even willing to get that printed onto a T-shirt.

"Yeah, its all BeKey and JongCes these days." I shook my head, continuing the conversation we had a few minutes ago.

"What? BeKey and JongCes...?" Minho asked, confused. I quickly explained the names to him. He threw his head back, laughing hard.

"Brilliant." he said. I smiled too. This was going to be a good night. Well, I hoped. "Can I ask.......if we were a couple, since we're loners.....what would we be called?"

Whoa. Not awkward at all. I tried not to show my blush, and thought for a minute.

"BrookMin." I said finally.

"That sounds cute." I couldn't hold The Blush back any longer, and blushed like a Blusher of a cheek covered in blush.

"What do you want to do? I mean, there are a lot of rides and stuff...." Minho said, looking round, gesturing to the entertainment that was available.

"I don't mind. Anythings fine, honestly." I smiled up at him. He noticed, and smiled down at me. Fangirl moment when he flashed his perfect teeth. Even they were freaking hot.

We stopped at at large crowd that was gathering.

"What are they looking at?" I asked, going on tip toes, because everyone in front of me were the size of bloody trees.

"Its a you want to go on it?" he asked. I nodded...the crowd was moving away so the que wouldn't be too long.

Minho paid for me....he insisted. "Because we're friends....its nothing really." I smiled, and he led me on, holding onto my hand. It didn't feel felt completely natural. I hardly noticed.

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