Chapter IV

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"Flower!" I yelled as soon as I walked through the door. I was always the first one home during the week. There was silence before I heard him run down the hallway. His hind legs didn't stop with his front paws and he rolled a few feet. I couldn't help but laugh.
"What's up, Buddy? I got you some treats." I smiled down at him.  He barked and sat down. I fed him a couple treats Before walking up to my room.
Flower followed me and curled up beside me with his favorite toy.
I spent the rest of the evening studying. I must've fallen asleep because i don't remember looking at the clock until 7:30pm. I yawned and walked down to the kitchen.
"Oh hey Em!" My mom greeted me, handing me a piece of pizza.
"Hi mom. Why didn't you wake me up?" I questioned.
"You stress yourself out, we didn't want to." Mom smiled.
"Well thanks." I said before sliding into my normal spot at the table.
By the time we had ate and talked about our day and plans for the big game, it was near 8:30.
"I hate to bail, but I'm gonna go take a shower and head off to bed," I said before getting up to hug my mom and dad and to scruff Jackson's hair.
I got back up to my room and Flower was fast asleep on my bed. I covered him with his favorite blanket and got my stuff to take a shower.
The shower water was warm. Like when you get in the pool after a hot day. I'd always liked hot showers. It opened your sinuses and made you all warm and cozy on a cold day, like today. I washed my hair and shaved my legs and what all you do in the shower normally. And then I had my "rockstar" moment where I put on concerts in the shower which include me singing and dancing and hoping I don't fall.
Once I was officially done, I got out and dried off before getting ready for bed. I brushed my hair and teeth before putting my retainers in and washing my face. Then I finally retreated into my bed with Flower at my side. My last thought was that there was no school the next day because it's Veterans Day.
"All be here all day tomorrow, Flower. Maybe I'll take you on a car ride to Starbucks." I whispered to him before drifting off to sleep.

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