Chapter XXIV

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"Can we go back to the hotel before we go to dinner though? I want to look at least halfway decent." I asked Kesler. He laughed. 

"Of course, I'm probably gonna shower so I don't smell as bad. We can celebrate our win." He said, the rest of the bus cheered. It didn't occur to me that I had talked to Hagelin recently. I tried to ignore it, but it kept eating away at the back of my mind. 

I didn't know that we were back at the hotel until Easton tapped me.

"C'mon, lets get ready." She smiled vaguely. I smiled back and quickly walked with her to our room. She seemed upset. But, I would too if my boyfriend's best friends kidnapped me and then knocked me unconscious. Easton got on the elevator, without hesitation, which really bothered me. 

"East?" I asked once we reached our door. She looked at me with a distraught expression. "Can you talk to me?" 

"About what?" She shrugged and opened the door to our room. 

"About today? Are you okay?" I asked, shutting the door behind me. She shrugged again. 

"I guess." She didn't look me in the eyes. 

"Easton?" She looked up, I could see tears forming right before they fell. 

"Why didn't he do anything about it?" She cried, "He didn't do anything. What if I didn't wake up?" she collapsed on the bed. I walked over and started rubbing her back. "Why did I start dating him? He's a pro hockey player and I'm a nobody from Pennsylvania." 

"Shh, it's okay. Hey, look at me," She looked up, "You are too pretty to cry over this guy who doesn't deserve you. Calm yourself down, and get ready for an awesome night with your favorite hockey team. Forget Auston, okay?" She nodded and wiped her tears away. 

"I have to redo my makeup," She chuckled and gave me a hug. "I love you Em." 

"Love you too, East. now come one we gotta get ready to go." I smiled. Easton quickly fixed herself up and ran to the elevator. "You sure about this?" I asked, questioning her willingness again, she shrugged. 

"I was knocked out today, met my favorite hockey team, now that I think about it, life's too shirt, let's take a risk." She smiled and walked on to the elevator. She was a little shaky at first but then she got herself in. 

Kesler was waiting for us in the lobby. 

"You okay, Easton?" he asked, sounding genuinely worried. She shrugged. 

"I'll be alright, don't worry about me." She tried to pass on a fake smile but both Kesler and I could tell it was fake. 

"Alright then let's get going. So it's only going to be me, Perry, and you guys tonight, some the guys are going out to some bars, and we know you're not old enough yet. So we're just gonna go to a small restaurant down the road. Is that okay?" Kesler asked. 

"Better than okay," Easton smiled. I nodded and we followed Kesler outside to meet Perry.

The walk was short and it was nice to see everything I could. Toronto is so pretty, so clean, and beautiful. The restaurant itself was small, but a cozy small. Easton ordered steamed broccoli, Kesler got a steak with mashed potatoes, Perry got a cheese burger, and I got a really nice tomato basil soup. 

"Hey Kesler, know what potatoes are made out of?" Easton smirked.

"Hmm?" He questioned, Perry was tuned in too. 

"Phil Kessel." She said with a straight face.

"What the hell are you talking about?" He asked. 

"Phil Kessel. He looks like a potato." She said pulling up a picture.

"Ohhhh." Perry and Kesler said in unison.

"Yeah, you're right. Not eating these now." Kesler pushed his mashed potatoes aside while the rest  of us were laughing. 

All of a sudden, my phone started buzzing.

Incoming Call: Hagy <3

"Hello?" I asked. 

"Em! Emalie! Hey guys! It's Emalie!" Hags slurred on the other end, obviously drunk. "I love you Emalie. And I just wanted to call you and tell you that I-I-I love you Emalie and you mean so much to me." Easton looked at me concernedly. 

"I uhh I love you too Hagy, I'll talk to you in a little bit okay? Have fun. Remember you promise." I fake laughed before hanging up. "He's really drunk I sighed and threw my head back dramatically. 

"Just shake it off and talk about it tomorrow." Perry suggested.

"Yeah, that's actually a good idea. Thanks Per." I nodded.

"No problem." he shrugged. 

"Okay, ready for ice cream?" Easton asked trying to change the subject. 

"Ice cream sounds nice." Kesler agreed and convinced me to tag along. I was just worried Hags would do something dumb while he was drunk again, the amount of endless possibilities in my mind scared me to death but there was nothing I could do.

Light the Lamp {c. hagelin}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن