Chapter XXVIII

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I spent the whole night with Hagy. We watched Disney movies and sang the duets together and danced around my room. I really missed him and I was glad to be home. 

"I missed you," Hagy whispered as he pulled me into a hug. 

"I missed you too, dear." I smiled and gave him a light kiss on the cheek. 

"Would you like to dance with me my queen?" He asked.

"I'd only be your queen if we get married actually." I smirked.

"Why don't we?" He asked. 

"You're joking right?" I scoffed. I looked at him, he wasn't laughing. 

"Hags, I'm still in high school. I have a long way to go in school, I can't get married right now."  I shook my head. 

"It doesn't have to be right now, it can be two years from now or it can be ten years from now. I just know that you're the one I want to spend the rest of my life with." He looked me in the eyes. 

"Hagy, I-"

"Listen, Emalie, I know it's all of a sudden and I know you'll be in college soon and you want to finish that and I respect that, just think about it?" He pleaded. I gave in. 

"Okay, Hags, I'll think about it." I sighed, he smiled and spun me around. "But-" I started, "That was the worst marriage proposal ever." I laughed. 

"Heat of the moment," He smiled before kissing my forehead. 

"You're insane, Carl Hagelin," I smiled.

"I know, but you know what they say about love, it makes you crazy," He smiled and pushed some stray hairs back from my face before leaning in to place a soft kiss on my lips. "I love you," He said while pulling away. 

"I love you too, Hags," I blushed. 

"So you'll marry me?" He laughed. 

"Hags!" I couldn't help but laugh and playfully punch him. 

"I know, I know. But- Never mind," He shook his head. 

"What's up?" I questioned. 

"No, it's nothing. Nothing special anyway," He shrugged. 

"Haggggy!" I egged on. 

"What if I got you a promise ring?" He nervously scratched the back of his neck. I was speechless.

"I uh- I don't want you to spend a lot of money on me a promise ring that's not even an engagement ring." I rubbed his back. 

"Okay, but what if I take you down to look at simple rings and you can pick one out?" He asked. 

"Hagy, I-"

"No buts, I'll take you down tomorrow. We'll go down and have lunch and look at rings and then I'll bring you home. Or maybe you can stay with me," He gave me that award winning smile. 

"Okay," I finally gave in. "Are you staying over?" I asked. 

"Do you want me to?" He asked, placing his hands on my waist. I nodded. "Good because your mom already asked if I wanted to." 

I glanced over at my clock. 


"I think I'm going to take a quick shower and then go to bed, I've had a long few days." I yawned before walking to the bathroom. 

"Can I join you?" I heard Hagy yell behind me. I didn't even look behind me I just kept walking. "It was worth a shot!" He yelled again, I couldn't help but smile. 

I gently stepped into the tub and took a quite, hot bath so I could get back to Hagy. 

"What took you so long?" He laughed as I walked out of the bathroom. 

"I was in there for literally seven minutes," I smiled. Flower walked over to me wagging his tail, I patted him on the head. 

"Yeah and it was seven minutes too long," Hags growled in a deep voice. 

"Well, that sounds like a personal problem," I smirked and slid into my 'side' of the bed. 

"What? No goodnight kisses?" He whined, I chuckled and rolled over and gave him a few soft kisses before snuggling against him. 

"Goodnight, Hagy," I whispered. 

"Okay, but don't get comfortable. I need to take a shower," He said before getting out of bed. I whined. "What? I'll be back," He smirked before walking off. 

"But you just asked for goodnight kisses and now you're taking a shower," I grunted and crossed my arms. 

"You wanna join me?" He smirked, I was flabbergasted. 

"I uh I-I, no." I got out, but part of me did want to join him, but  not tonight. Hags smirked again before walking into the bathroom, leaving the door slightly cracked. He turned the water on and after a few seconds I heard singing. I crept over to the door and slightly opened it more to hear better. 

"Hey there Delilah what's it like in New York City I'm a thousand miles away but girl tonight you look so pretty yes you do time's square can't shine as bright as you I swear it's true." Hagy sang.

"Wow, Hags, I didn't know you could sing." I smirked from the door way. He screamed slightly. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't think you could here me," He said turning the water off and stepping out of the shower, quickly wrapping a towel around himself. 

"No, it was amazing. You truly have more than one gift," I smiled. He started walking towards me and placed a kiss on my forehead. 

"Yup, and you're one of them," He smiled down at me, I couldn't help but blush. "Come on, I'll get dressed and then we can go to bed, yeah?" I nodded. 

I walked back to my bed and laid down while I patiently waited for Hagy to finish putting his clothes on so he'd join me. 

"Now can I get comfortable?" I asked when he climbed into bed beside me.

"Yay," I smiled and snuggled against him while he put his arms around me. 

"Goodnight baby," he mumbled. 

"Goodnight Hags," I said, then Flower nudged my foot, "And goodnight to you, Flower." 

"Sweet dreams," Hagy said before drifting off, and I did too. 

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