Chapter XXI

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I wanted to scream at the sky. I wanted to punch a wall. I wanted to throw my phone out the window, but I didn't. I was in Toronto with my best friend, I wasn't about to let a guy bring me down. Even though I really like this guy. Instead I just texted him back.

To Hags:

I'm sorry too. I'm sorry for trusting you. 

"Are you okay, Em?" Easton asked me, I didn't realize I was crying until I saw the tears fall onto my phone screen. I quickly wiped them away.

"Yeah. Yeah." I lied and shook my head before grabbing my wallet.

"Alright." Kesler said awkwardly, "Ready to go?" 

"Yup." Easton said before grabbing her phone.

1 notification 

From Hags:

I didn't mean it! I swear! I love you Emalie!

To Hags:

Yeah, sure, whatever. You didn't even call to make sure we made it to Toronto. I called Kuni instead of you because I couldn't get ahold of you.

From Hags:

I was out with the guys. Please Em, don't

To Hags:

Don't what? Cheat on my girlfriend with some blonde hoe? 

From Hags: 

I told you it meant nothing, i was drunk and didn't realize.

To Hags:

yeah, sure. whatever. i don't have time for this. I'm busy. 

From Hags: 


I left him on read. I didn't want to deal with him. 

"Emalie?" Easton asked, once we got in the elevator. I wondered why she was in the elevator. 

"Hmm?" I asked, wiping away more tears.

"What's up buttercup?" She asked, i smiled. She used the same phase that Kunitz asks me. I pulled up the picture that Kunitz sent me and showed East and Kesler.

"I told him if he hurt you I would kick his ass!" Easton nearly yelled. Kesler was speechless.

"No. East, it's okay. We were like ten years apart anyway." I shrugged. Easton didn't listen to me. She was always protective of me. 

"It's not okay. Ten years difference or not, it's not okay." She said through her teeth. She was aggravated. 

"The same Hagelin that played for the ducks a few seasons ago?" Kesler finally said while walking off the elevator and towards the team bus.

"Yeah."I shrugged.

"Like, the current Stanley Cup champion?" he asked. It seems so surprised to see that Hagelin had done this. More surprised than me.

"Yup. The same guy that pulled me into his arms and made me feel like a princess." I laughed hysterically. I felt more tears coming, I used my jersey to wipe away my tears. I felt a hand on my back, I look up and it was Kesler. He gave me a small smile and pulled me into a light, friendly hug.

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