Chapter XV

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I couldn't think straight during classes leading up until the Penguins game I was attending. The boys beat the Rangers 4-3 in a shootout the night before. I was lucky I didn't have any tests because I would have inevitably failed them.

I sighed and texted Hagelin. I was so anxious about the game, I didn't know what to wear, who I was going to meet, what would happen, who would win the game. I million and ten thoughts raced through my mind.

To Hags♡:
So what am I supposed to wear to the game tonight?

From Hags♡:
Well we just wear suits so I would assume something nice?

To Hags♡:
Like what?

From Hags♡:
I don't know. What do women wear for a fancy occassion?

To Hags♡:
Hockey jerseys and leggings

From Hags♡:
Ha ha ha. Very funny.

I laughed and called him instead of having an hour conversation over text.

"Hello?" He questioned when he answered.

"It was just easier to call. But seriously, what do I wear?" I whined.

"Well, some of the female reporters wear skirts and tucked in shirts, but since you're shadowing our trainers, I would say maybe some black pants, a nice shirt, and some comfortable shoes." He replied.

"What color shirt do you think?" I quickly, biting my lip.

"A dull color, but maybe just a grey or black. Sorry, no bright blues." He chuckled.

"Oh man. But I was thinking of my bright yellow shirt." I smiled, jokingly.

"I'll see if I can get you a jacket so you fit in." He replied.

"You don't have to do that, Hags." I said quietly.

"I want to." It was quiet for awhile.

"Hey Hags?" I finally said.


"Do you think we're taking our relationship too far in such a short amount of time?" I quickly blurted out, instantly regretting it afterwards.

"Honestly, I do. A little bit. I didn't want to say anything though. I'm sorry." He whispered.

"Nonono. Don't be sorry. It takes two to tango," I smiled to myself, "Can we just not go as fast?" I bite my lip again, waiting for an answer.

"Of course. Anything for you. But now, I believe you have an outfit to find. I'll see you in a little bit." I could almost hear him smile.

"I'll see you then." I whispered.

"Of course, my love." He chuckled before I hung up. Then I crawled on my bed and cried.

I'm not sure why I was crying, or how long I'd been crying. I just remember my mom yelled for me and her walking up the stairs to find me a mess on my bed.

"Honey, Hagelin is here." She whispered and engulfed me in a hug, "What's wrong?"

"I don't know. I just started crying." I said between sobs. Then I heard more footsteps and there stood a handsome Carl Hagelin in a nice suit and his golden hair was slick back.

"I'll let you two talk. Okay?" My mom asked before leaving my room.

"What wrong?" Hags asked and sat at the edge of my bed.

"I'm not entirely sure. It's a mix of me not deserving you and thinking I made you mad earlier." I wiped away a couple stray tears. Hagelin pulled me into a tight, beat hug.

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