Chapter XXVI

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After talking to Hagy, I slept like a baby. I wish I could've been able to hug him, but of course beggars can't be choosers. I rolled over and looked at my phone. 


I grunted and rolled back over. 

"Easton," I said. No answer. "East." she wouldn't budge. I took a pillow from behind my head and threw it at her. She grunted and threw it back. "Get up, we gotta meet the guys before they leave." I said stretching. 

"I know, but I don't wanna get up." She said into her pillow. 

"Fine, I guess I'll just tell Perry you're too lazy to say goodbye," I egged on. 

"I'm up I'm up, but I'm coming back up to sleep when they leave." She yawned. 

"Alright, that's fine," I said and grabbed a pair of jeans and Hagy's hoodie. 

1 message from Hagy 

Hagy: Good morning beautiful 

To Hagy: Good morning, why are you awake? 

Hagy: I couldn't sleep so I just decided to walk around the hotel, but Phil yelled at me sooo

To Hagy: Oh, okay, 

Hagy: What are you doing?

To Hagy: Gonna eat with the ducks before they head off

Hagy: Ahh, okay, I talked to Kesler last night

To Hagy: oh, what did he say?

Hagy: That you were upset and sad

To Hagy: I just really miss you, and I was mad at you but I really shouldn't have been and i'm sorry

Hagy: Honey, you don't have to be sorry, it's okay, I promise. When we both get back I'll take you to a nice dinner okay? Just us two, and spend some time together. How does that sound?

To Hagy: Amazing 

Hagy: Good, then it's settled, I can't wait. 

To Hagy: Me either, I'll call you in a little bit, I'm gonna head down to eat breakfast

Hagy: I love you, Em

To Hagy: I love you too, hags 

"Easton, I'm going down to meet the guys," I yelled before shutting the hotel door behind me. 

"Okay," I heard her yell back. I started making my way to the elevator.

"Emalie!" I heard someone yell after me. I slowly turned around to see Auston running at me with flowers in one hand and a stuffed rabbit in the other. "I need to talk to Easton, which way's your room?" He asked, out of breath.

"Down the hall second to last room." I pointed down the hall. 

"Thanks you're a life saver!" He said before sprinting off. I just kept walking to the elevators. 

Easton's POV 

I had just taken my shirt off when someone knocked on the door. I grunted and threw the shirt back on and drug my way to the door. 

"Easton!" Auston said, out of breath, panting like a dog, "I brought this for you. I shouldv'e handled yesterday differently and I am so sorry that I didn't. Can you ever forgive me?" He stood with flowers in his hand and a bunny in the other, I was speechless. 

"Of course I can forgive you. I'm just not sure I can forgive them." I finally said. 

"Good enough for me," He slightly smiled and hugged me slightly and kissed the top of my head. "How can I make it up to you?" 

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