Chapter XII

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When I woke up I called Easton and told her everything from getting there to Hags dropping me off.

"You mean, I have to take the bus home Monday because you're going on a date with a pro hockey player?" She whined.

"I'm not sure it's even a date. It's just two friends hanging out." I shrugged.

"You kissed like a million times. It's not 'just friends hanging out'. Ahh I can't believe it." She was estastic.

"East, we're just friends. They were friendly kisses." I rolled my eyes.

"Suuuuuuure." She laughed, "And I'm going to be President of the United States." I laughed.

"What am I going to wear? He didn't tell me what we're doing. Should I wear something nice or something casual." I questioned.

"Well, if you're leaving right after school, then you should just take a drawstring bag and change real quick after last period. You have a free period last period anyway. But just text and ask him." She suggested.

"He might still be asleep though. I don't want to wake him up." I whined.

"Emalie. Just text him. If he's asleep he'll reply later." I could almost hear her rolling her eyes.

I sighed and started texting him.

"What should I say?" I asked.

"I've still never been on a date. Why are you asking me?" She laughed.

"Because you're the one who suggested I text him."

"Yeah I know. Okay. Just say something like 'hey Hags! What do you have planned on monday?'" She said.

"That's really good. Doesn't sound too pathetic." I laughed and texted him. "I just texted him." I got an instant reply.

From Hags:
Hey Em! I was thinking just heading down to this nice little cafe I go to downtown. What did you have in mind?

To Hags:
Nothing. I was just curious. You know the downtown Pittsburgh area better than I do :)

"Did he respond yet? It's pretty quiet over there." Easton laughed.

"Yeah. He did. He said were going to a small café downtown." I smiled. It was cute and romantic, like the 80s chick flicks.

"Awwwwww!!! That's so cute!!" She giggled. My phone buzzed again.

From Hags:
I would say I would just pick you up form school early, but I don't want to be a bad influence...

"Haha. He just said he'd pick me up from school early but he doesn't wanna be a bad influence." I laughed and texted him back.

To Hags:
That would make you a very very bad influence. What would my parents think. But I don't think it would kill you to wait until 2:45

"Duuuude. Do it." She laughed.

"No! I'm a good kid." I argued.

"Yeah. Right. Totally." She said sarcastically. My phone buzzed again from Hags. 

"Hey. Easton. I'll call you later. It's hard to talk to you and text Hags back." I said.

"So you're gonna leave me for a guy?" She halfway yelled, then she was quiet for a few seconds. "Eh. He's a pro hockey player. I'd do the same thing. Have fun Em! AND USE PROTECTION!" She yelled before hanging up. I shook my head and laughed.

From Hags:
You're right. I can wait until 2:45 it'll be tough but I can do it.

To Hags:
That's the spirit

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