Chapter X

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I couldn't concentrate at the mall with Easton. We went into at least a dozen different stores but nothing really caught my eye. We even went into the Pittsburgh Sports Store and I didn't see anything I wanted.

 My mind was in a completely different world. Easton bought some clothes and some vinyl records and I think all I got was coffee and some more art supplies.

"Emalie?" I heard Easton say when we were sitting in the food court.

"What?" I asked, snapping out of whatever fantasy world I was in.

"You haven't been on Earth all day. What's up?" She smirked.

"The game is tomorrow. And I'm terrified but excited." I said, she rolled her eyes, "but around the time Jackson puts his gear down near the locker rooms, the team will be playing soccer like they do before every game."

"Well, then it's almost inevitable that you will meet someone. Maybe not Hags, but someone." She smiled, "if you can't concentrate, I'll drive us." I shook my head.

"I'm okay. I can drive. I'm fangirling not drunk." I replied, getting up, "ready?"

"Yup. I'm just gonna go buy a coffee real quick then we can go. Want anything?" She asked.

"I'll get it."

"No, Em, what do you want? I'll get it." She said sternly.

"Uh just get me like a French Vanilla coffee." I mumbled, still half thinking about tomorrow. She nodded and walked off.

Not long after, Easton came back with two red Starbucks cups in her hand. She handed me one.

"How much?" I asked taking a drink.

"It's on me." She shook her head.

"No, Easton, how much was it?" I said, firmly.

"Just think of it as repaying you for buying us nachos at the football game about a month ago." She shrugged.

"Fine." I mumbled and started walking to my car.

Most of the car ride was silent, other than the light background music of the radio, and Easton whispering 'potato' and laughing.

"Do you even know what you'll say if you meet someone tomorrow?" Easton asked, startling me.

"Well, it depends on who I meet." I shrugged.

"Okay. I'll rephrase that. What are you going to say to Hagelin if you meet him?" She laughed.

"Well, I see it as some type of Disney movie scene. His hair will flow in the wind and he'll smile and I'll tell him how much I appreciate him and hope he's single and-" Easton cut me off.

"Hate to burst your bubble love, but I think he has a girlfriend." She said looking at her phone. 

I could feel my face get hot. I gripped the steering wheel tighter, until I saw my knuckles turn white, then I tried to relax. Why was I getting so worked up over Hagelin having a girlfriend? He is ten years older than me.

"Anyway," I started to take my mind of the lucky woman, "I'll ask him if he wants to get a coffee sometime and I'll ask for a picture."

She was quiet for a moment. "Is that all?" She asked.

"Yes. Why? Too much?" I questioned quickly.

"No. I was just expecting you to have one of your drawings with you and have him sign it and a bunch of other stuff you'd only hear of in Fanfiction." She laughed and shook her head.

"Oh. Well. No. I'm guess I'm just pretty boring " I shrugged as I pulled up in front of Easton's house.

"Call me later and tell me what you're wearing tomorrow." She said while getting out of my car. I nodded.

"Will do. Talk to ya later, East." I waved.

"See ya, Em." She yelled as I started to drive off.

I got home and crashed on the couch. I was too old to pull close to an all-nighter. I don't even think I took ny shoes off before I fell asleep.

A couple hours later, I heard the front door close. But I was in the stage of I could hear things but I still couldn't move. Then I felt a blanket be placed over me and a small chuckle. It was my mom.

I grunted a little and squirmed. I finally opened my eyes.

"Hiya Sunshine." My mom laughed at me.

"Hey mom." I smiled.

"Are you going to go up to your room to sleep? I know you were up almost all night." She asked.

"I think so. Easton and I went to the mall earlier, but I only got some art supplies. I'm too anxious about Jackson's game tomorrow." I stretched a little bit before getting off the couch.

"Actually," she said, hesitantly, "Jackson isn't playing tomorrow."

I stood there in shock. I was so stressed and anxious about going to this game and Jackson isn't playing now?

"What?" I nearly yelled, "I've been so excited and anxious about this game and we're going going?" My voice raised slightly with each word. My mom had a serious look on her face before laughing.

"I'm joking. We're still going. I just wanted to know what you'd do." She laughed. Relief washed over me. Normally I would be mad she did that but I'm thrilled.

"Good. You nearly gave me a heart attack. I'm gonna head up to my room." I hugged her and walked up the stairs.

Flower was right where I left him. He perked up when he saw me and came running.

"Hey Buddy!" I smiled. He jumped up. I walked over to my bed and fell face first onto it. Once I got in a comfortable position, Flower laid at my feet and we took a nice power nap.

~Dream Sequence~
"Hey Hagelin, you're hot." Bonino said as he walked past Hagelin and me, while I was talking to Hags. Was Bones making fun of me?

"Oh Hags." Daley said in a high pitch voice and giggled once he saw us. I swear they were making fun of me.

"Hey guys, cut it out." Sid finally said. I could feel relief wash over me. "It's not Hagelin's fault that he has a twelve year old hitting on him." The whole team laughed.

"I'm eighteen not twelve." I argued, but everyone just kept laughing at me  finally I took my phone out and look at me through my camera. I nearly dropped my phone. I was twelve. I looked the exact same as when I was. Braces and all. I tried to run away, but I was glued in place.

~End Dream Sequence~

I woke up by screaming. My mom came running in and Flower came up to me and licked my face.

"Emalie! What's wrong?" She asked, engulfing me in a hug.

"Tomorrow. I was talking to Hagelin and I looked like myself when I was twelfth. Braces and all." I barely for out.

"AH. A hockey related nightmare. Well honey, you don't have braces now, and you're beautiful. You were with braces too. It was just a dream." She smiled.

"You're right mom. I'm sorry." I looked down, embarrassed.

"Don't worry about it. It's what I'm here for." She laughed while walking out of my room.

I called Easton. No answer. I called again. No answer.

Finally she texted me,
'Sorry, I was called into work. Text me what you're wearing tomorrow. Won't get home until late tonight.'

I looked through my closet to find ny favorite pair of blue jeans and my Hagelin jersey and sent a picture to Easton. As soon as I set my phone down, it lit up.

1 message: from Easton

Good choice. Have fun tomorrow and take pictures!!!

I laughed and got ready for bed while my mom finished dinner.

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