Chapter 1:Greetings

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 Pyrah sits in a local coffee shop drinking some mocha; she has long reddish hair with sky blue eyes while wearing a light pink t-shirt, pair of simple silver flats and some skinny jeans with one hole in the knee.

She sips her coffee while reading her favorite book; she looks at her phone, 3:00 p.m. the screen said. She glances around for trouble keeping an aware eye of her surroundings if a fight came along.

On the other side of the Coffee shop is a girl named Sparks. She has long dark brown hair in a side braid with jade green eyes; a pair of light grey skinny jeans a green tank top with a black cardigan over it, with a pair of reddish brown button up tall boots. Sparks usually likes to learn new things when it comes to technology even when at school, she loves to socialize with all the people around her at her high school, but it usually comes off awkward giving her the image that she is shy.

The two simultaneously leave the coffee shop and come to a nearby busy street crosswalk.

Sparks unknowingly walks out into a busy street while reading a fan-fiction on her tablet. Pyrah notices Sparks getting herself in danger, so she grabs Sparks's arm and yanks her back onto the sidewalk. As a result, Sparks drops her tablet computer in a puddle.

Sparks frowns and stares blankly down at her ruined and smashed tablet.

Pyrah snaps her fingers in Spark's face, "Hey, you should have been paying more attention. You were lucky I was there to save you." Sparks just kept staring at her tablet computer.

"Oh crap my tablet!" Then Sparks turns to Pyrah "Thank you for saving my life, though I am in debt to you." She picks her tablet computer out of the puddle and shakes the water off it as the cross light turns to the okay to walk sign.

Pyrah shakes her head and speeds ahead over the crosswalk, Sparks pipes up" do you want to go shopping? If you want to, my name is Sparks, what is yours?

Pyrah just stops form taking another step, she turns around, walks back to Sparks and formally shakes her hand, "I'm Pyrah, and actually shopping is the one thing I need to do. " Then a dark blue car pulls up to them, a girl with short light brown hair in a pixie cut with freckles and hazel eyes wearing a purple t-shirt with a pair of skinny jeans and a dark green jacket with black long boots steps out onto the street. She grabs Pyrah and Sparks by the arms "get to the car now I am saving your lives." the girl whispers.

"Wait what?" Pyrah says.

"Why?" Sparks asks.

"No time, there are people following you move now!" the girl says.

Pyrah and Sparks both look over the shoulders. Two men with black hats on were standing close by watching them in plain sight. The girl begins ushering Sparks into the car, Pyrah goes to punch the girl, but she blocks her punch by grabbing her fist in mid- air, "we don't have time for this!" Pyrah looks at Sparks as she shrugs her shoulders at her, "better to be safe than sorry" Pyrah looks behind her back the two men were advancing to the car. Pyrah grabs Sparks' shoulder, "how do we know that she is not with these men?" Sparks sits in the car, "trust me, we could escape if we wanted to." The girl shouts, "Move now! I'll distract them." The girl waves her hand and runs a couple blocks down.

Pyrah rolls her eyes, "I am stuck in a car full of strangers. And I am going home today." The two clamber into the car quickly and drive away. Two blocks down, they find the girl sitting on a bench reading a magazine.

Ash climbs into the front seat of the car, "I am really sorry for the inconvenience guys, I'd rather you not die than...Ya know."

"My name is Ash and I will fill you in when we get the other ones". Ash casually points her hand at the driver. "This is Freddy, my brother-in law. Freddy head to the east central hospital"

Pyrah pulls out her cellphone, "I'll take that." Ash snatches her phone out of her hand and places it in the glove box. "Hey!" Ash waves her hand at sparks to give up her phone, "I'll need your phone to Sparks." Sparks clutches her small purse, "how do you know my-"

"I'll explain later, but right now I need your phone." Sparks sighs and hands Ash her phone. Pyrah fingers the door handle, attempting to escape.

"Hey for what it's worth, you will go back to your normal lives, I promise you that. We just...need both of your help by the use of what skills you two know." Ash says not looking back.

Sparks leans over and whispers to Pyrah, "Who's this We she is talking about?"

Freddy turns the vehicle around a corner pulling it into the front of the local hospital.

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