Chapter 13: Preperations

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"Before we leave, I want everyone to train to fight with weapons, just for the fact we all don't exactly know how to control our powers." Ash leads the group to the weapons specialists at a large long desk lined with a massive array of weapons, "pick a desk and choose your own weapons." Ash points down the row of desks.

Ash walks up to the desk several people later, "I really am not sure what I want, do you have any, uh special equipment on hand?"

The specialist's eyes light up, "actually I was waiting for the right person to give this to." She reaches down by her feet to pull up a blackened staff with strange stripy markings on it. Ash picks it up to study it, and then twirls it around in her fingers to feel the weight of it. Just right and it's just a little taller than I.

Ash clanks it down onto the ground creating a metallic sound. "is this made of meteorites?"

The girl smiles, "Indeed it is, I thought since meteorites travel through a mile of atmosphere and survive an impact faster than sound, it would be a good alloy to make something out of. It took me four years to gather just enough stones for that staff."

Ash bows her head respectfully at the girl, "I am very grateful to be given this. I will take care of it, I promise."

Pyrah watches at two people finally pick their weapons, she thought of what she wanted, a sword? Some laser pistols? That is what she saw the powers in front of her walk away with.

She glances over at Ash who was already walking away with some kind of black staff. She glances in her other direction at Sparks, who was trying on some kind of metal glove. "Ehem, you it's your turn!" the male specialist says at the desk beckoning her forward.

He drums the desk with his fingers, "do you know what you like-I mean what you would like?" Pyrah leans on the desk, "I really don't know what I want."

The specialist rattles off a list of common weapons according to her defender type. "What's your power?" Pyrah shrugs, "super-strength." The specialist's eyes light up, "superstrength huh? Well, just so happens I got the perfect thing for you." The Specialist opens a drawer and digs around in it for a moment, to pull out a strange kite shaped shield.

"This is a proto-type it's made of a something called NITINOL, a high-tension memory alloy comprised of nickel and titanium so if it gets dented just heat it up a little and it will spring back into it's original position." The specialist turns around, "go ahead, take it, it needs to be tested out on the battlefield anyway." Pyrah picks it up noticing how light weight it is, "Thank you, I will use it well." She walks away clutching her shield.

Blaze waits at the end of an incredibly long line; he tilts his head up to the sky in annoying boredom, "Why do I always get the slow lines?" He shrugs his shoulders, then weighs his options, teleport to the front and grab the first weapon he sees, or wait until he can choose his own.

Blaze decides he shall wait, wait to see how much longer he can stand in this line. He glances over both shoulders seeing none of his newfound friends in line.

After about ten minutes he makes it to the front of the line, he slams his hands down on the desk causing the weapons specialist to jump. "do you know how long I had to wait in line I felt like I was going to die." The Weapons specialist turns around with a scary looking masculine feminine face, "yeah, don't push it buddy what do you want?"

Blaze squints his eyebrows, "I want a sword?" The woman looks at him with an odd look, "A sword, you didn't sound too sure about that." Blaze rocks on his feet, "well I'm not sure what I want okay I don't know what crazy weapons the Defenders and Techies make!"

The woman rolls her eyes, "here take this, you should be able to use it easily." She fumbles down in a drawer by her feet and pulls out a small metal stick. "it's a retractable smart holo sword, I developed it myself." Blaze picks it up, activates it and studies its white semi-transparent glow. "How is it smart?" Blaze says mesmerized. "It calculates what the person's next move might be and sends a small electrical pulse to your brain causing you to have the upper hand. "Blaze smiles with a devilish grin. "thanks, scary lady!" He teleports away to the closest eatery.

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