Chapter 26: Inside a Computer

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Sparks begins typing in the codes to keep the network shut down for a while, "You know, why do they even want us Luminous it's not like we are the most powerful beings ever." Luminous crosses her arms then leans on the desk, "Maybe they are intimidated by us because we are more powerful than them and they want to crush their competition." Sparks takes this into consideration. Sparks leans away from the keyboard and the screen turns blue and a siren begins to blare, "Oh, crap! We're locked out by master override I must've tipped them off that we're here! I-I-" Luminous slaps Sparks, "Get ahold of yourself Sparks it's okay!"  Sparks rubs her cheek and steadies herself that was needed she started to panic.

Luminous hefts her laser rifle to her hands, " Now, what's that mean?"

"It means we are defenseless to help the others." Sparks tries her coms "Guys! Get out it's a trap! It's a trap!" static...
Scorch rubs her bracelet, "I'll go warn Ash and Blaze!" Without hesitation she runs out the door leavig Luminous and Sparks to handle the other mess.

"They can't hear us, they are jamming our signals to the others Sparks we gotta get out of here!" Luminous grabs the small bag that holds all of their extra stuff. Sparks types on the computer one last time, "At least the jammers that block our powers won't be on for another 24 hours. I guess it takes a while for those systems to reset."
Sparks frowns, "we need to go warn them."

Luminous grabs Sparks' wrist, "I'm sure they already know." Luminous pulls Sparks out of the server room. They see guards run down the hallway adjacent to the one they were in on the end, "There!"

Luminous throws a fistful of paper at the guards, Sparks shoots some plasma ball out of her gauntlet. The guards return fire. Sparks runs down the hallway behind them with Luminous in tow. "How can we get rid of these guys?" Sparks smiles, "I know."

Sparks runs with her  left hand against the wall turning the entire building into some sort of  electronic contraption. The hallway glows blue like it is straight out of a videogame. Some of the guards get caught up in live wires that act like snakes as they burst out of the wall and strangle them. Luminous throws some rapid fire their way with her rifle then throws more paper their direction creating malicious origami grenade house cats that explode at their attacker's boots.

"Nice one!" Sparks says breathlessly.

They run to the location in where Pyrah and Smokey were heading, they are going to need all the fire power they were gonna get and the team might not be enough. 

Sparks runs off the wall  to round the corner while creating deadly contraptions for their oncoming prey.
Sparks notices the red-haired Pyrah with a gaggle of people behind her, "guys!-" Sparks shouts.
"It's a trap! We know!" Pyrah finishes the sentance, "help us get these guys out of here!"

Char bursts through his office door almost pulling it off the hinges, he wipes he papers off his desk and pushes them onto he floor only for them to float back, his anti-gravity power was acting up again. I can't let them escape with my prisoners the ones I need for technology. Char cringes his teeth and pulls off a flat panel under his mousepad and punches the large button underneath.

Sparks braces one of the silent up over her arms. "It's okay, we're going to make it!" When she feels all of his wight bearing down on her, he has become dead weight. Oh crap that's not good! 
Luminous shouts, "what just happened?!"

Every silent one except Smokey fell to the ground, "I have to try somthing even if I do become digitalized from it I cannot let my friends die around me!"

Sparks claps her hands together and pools everyhing she has in her gift to her hands, her gauntlets begin to glow blue she exerts her energy into the building around her, the lights flicker off giving the crew the advantage. Sparks made the entire building a computer by manifesting an EMP and redirecting it to build a computer. Sparks suddenly falls to her knees, over exerting herself in the last bit there. "I cannot walk leave me!"

Smokey turns invisible and climbes up the wall to take care of the bad guys. One of them shoot her with a dart and she falls. Pyrah blocks all laser fire with her shield, "I'll carry you!"
"We gotta get Smokey back she is the last of her kind not subjigated to S.T.E.P. torture!" Pyrah knocks down a charging guard, "she is in the thick of their mess, there is no way we could get to her!"
"We gotta try!" Sparks yells back. The guards push them back into their hole they made.
Pyrah doesn't hesitate but pulls Sparks onto her back and drapes her arms to hold onto them. "We cannot leave her!"

Sparks couldn't believe how weak her gift made her, she tries to move her legs only for them to be like Jell-O?
Pyrah busts through a wall using her shield, "super, strength has it quarks, this way Lumi!"
Luminous throws a fistfull of paper creating crows that have daggers for wings to distract the guards.
Just as Pyrah steps through the wall Sparks notices Luminous take a hit to the calf muscle of the leg with one of their dart rounds, somebody had to have a darts gift. "Luminous!" Sparks screams  As her friend face-plants the ground.
An explosion racks the building, showering dust and debris from the ceiling, I could only guess that is coming from Ash, Scorch and Blaze.
Luminous grabs her sleeve and creates a flurrry which looks like snow, "get out of here now leave me I can hold them off!" Pyrah takes a deep breath thinking about it for a moment when they both look back Luminous is engulfed in her white paper projects.
Sparks knew that Pyrah knew that she had to listen to Luminous as a mentor, friend and sister -figure they had to leave this building.

They manage to get out of one of the emergency exits in the back ,and find a open car in the parking lot , Scorch hops in the driver's side and looks for the keys."screw it!" Scorch slaps her hands on the steering wheel and somehow starts the car.
Pyrah looks behind to see if anyone would be following. Pyrah relaxes and presses the door locker button. Sparks begins crying, "Pyrah, half of our team got left behind."
"But we got what we came for."
"But at what cost Pyrah? Our lives? Our families?"
"It's okay we're alive Sparks that's what currently matters is we return safely."


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