Chapter 11: The Great Escape

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Ash looks over at her old comrade Luminous who kicks a strange S.T.E.P. soldier away from herself, then she rips a piece of her armor off which is made of bullet-proof regeneration paper. She glances at the paper creating a butterfly with a small machine gun strapped on its back. Then she throws the paper into the air making dozens of the small, strange creatures out of the very same paper to attack the S.T.E.P. soldiers with tiny white bullets. Ash kicks up an energy spear laying on the ground and holds it out in front of her to block an enemy. "It's great to see you Luminous!"

Blasts from plasma rifles fire all around the H.Q.B.D.L.S. some getting shot down, some being able to dodge. Another white vessel arrives a singular woman with dual laser pistols clad in a brown jump suit walks off. She holds up her pistol pointing it directly at Ash, "No, no, no not her! Powers Retreat, retreat!" By the single word retreat, the remains of the H.Q.B.D.L.S. fled like ants in a rainstorm to the safe zone.

Soot walks along a small row of special ones of about twenty long, each pinned down with a plasma rifle to the back. "Out of the whole attack this is what we have left!" she stomps her foot causing the area to darken slightly, she sighs quickly lightening up the area afterwards. "Ms. Soot, we have a power recognition gun; we have 8 of the defenders, 2 leaders, and 8 quickest ones." Soot gives a slight twitch with her fingers to the man shooing him away like a puppy wanting more food. Soot begins to pace back and forth eventually resting on the remains of a building, "for all of you who think your friends are safe, they are not. However, my team and I will exploit every place we think your weakling buddies will be hiding. We will not rest until every last power is hunted down and taken."

She stands tall lifting her chin a little, "Although S.T.E.P Inc. is offering jobs to all of you, to help me get your friends and cooperate. You will be free; if you don't, well then, we'll see what will happen to you, it's your choice." Soot then points her laser pistol into the air waving it in a circular motion "load em up!"

Soot turns on her earpiece, "Char, we flooded the whole place, and we have what you need." A disembodied voice of a man replies, "Wonderful news to hear, very well then bring them home."

The last of the shuttles arrive at the safe- zone. People everywhere scampering to their corridors. Ash stands up on a rock whistles, "My crew, meet in the mess hall." Along with a couple other leader members doing the same thing. She jumps down making her way to the mess hall.

Freddy walks up to Ash with Ollie her dog, "here you go Ash, your dog safe and sound." Ash nods her head in respect "thank you brother." Freddy begins to walk away, "Oh, Freddy, I have a mission for you, meet in the mess hall." Freddy nods his head "Right away."

Pyrah searches for her teacher left and right within the mass of people. Someone gets one the intercom, but low and behold it's Blaze the quickest, "All powers make it to your respective corridors, and stop panicking, yes, yes we were under attack but look how many of us survived. It seems as if we have a safe Haven right here."

Pyrah was relieved that the crowd died down into a calmer environment. A flash of white caught Pyrah's attention she turns to get a clearer picture, "hey! Luminous over here!" Pyrah jumps up and down calling her name until Luminous finally notices. "Pyrah I am so glad that you are okay, I was worried that you got taken."

"I'm fine; we need to head to the mess hall though." Luminous smiles "Right, you need to head to the mess hall." Ash taps Luminous on the shoulder "Luminous, you fought so well out there alongside Pyrah. Anyway, I see you have become Pyrah's teacher huh." Luminous playfully places an arm on Pyrah's shoulder. Pyrah brushes her arm off her shoulder. "Yep ya darn skippy I did. She is really good at what she does Ash, and I couldn't have been a prouder teacher today, she fought fantastically." Ash playfully punches Luminous in the shoulder "Indeed....Well old friend, I need you in the mess hall for a mission and a meeting." Ash walks off in a direction. Pyrah leans over Luminous' shoulder "you were saying I need to go, I think it's we still."

Blaze teleports away from the intercom system, how he found it was quite a mystery for he himself didn't know how he found it, all he remembered was teleporting to the facility then passing out then waking up. He makes it to the mess hall where he finds Sparks, Smokey, Pyrah, Ash and her dog Ollie. He walks up to the table where he teleports to sit down. Pyrah leans over to look around Sparks, "Blaze you should really stop abusing your powers." Blaze carelessly shrugs his shoulders, "What practice makes perfect, PYRAH." He sarcastically says as he draws out her name. Pyrah holds up a fist, and punches the palm of her hand angrily, "Why I outta-"

Ash crosses her arms interrupting, "Ah hem, Hey Team! We are not here to fight." Freddy arrives taking a seat next to Sparks, "Hello Sparks, Blaze, and Pyrah. It's nice to see you again." Everyone exchange greetings with Freddy, and then he notices Smokey, "You are new, what's your name?" Smokey looks down at her shoes.

"Oh, you must be a silent one then huh?" Blaze chomps down on a granola bar he pulled from his pocket, "Her names Smokey." He says through a mouthful of food. Ash and Luminous cast glances at each other, and then Ash rings out, "has anyone seen Scorch?" Sparks looks up from her tablet, "uh yeah, I saw her helping her healer." Ash closes her eyes then takes a deep breath to gain her composure. "Well Blaze you're her boyfriend right, then go get her and bring her here."

Blaze stands up "I'm not her boyfriend! But, alright I'll go get her."

Moments later, the two come back to the table. Luminous takes a seat on the edge next to Pyrah. "Okay so now it's time to discuss the plans of the rescue of the captures ones with powers." Ash takes a deep breath dropping Ollie's leash. "Ollie here boy." Freddy whistles. "As you know, S.T.E.P. Inc. does carry prisoners.

"Freddy my brother in-law will infiltrate the facility since S.T.E.P. most likely will not have records of him on their databanks. Then, he will give us Intel on its structure. That is when Sparks will get herself captured. Once she is in and when Freddy is there to escort her, he will lead her to the databanks where she will shut down the system and send us any remaining information S.T.E.P. has about us. Then, once the facility is shut down, Smokey and Blaze will run in letting the powers lose that is when Luminous, Pyrah and I will cut the head off the hydra."

Ash paces back and forth, "Any questions?" Scorch raises her hand, "Yeah, where do I come in?" Ash sags her shoulders a little she almost forgot about Scorch's part. "I almost forgot, you will get to wreck the lab where they experiment on their guinea-pigs." Ash puts emphasis on the last word with air finger quotes.

Sparks stands up, "hold on Ash I have blueprints here." She holds her hand up to a concrete column "These here, are the schematics of the building remember your parts because this won't be easy." Smokey stands up, "I need to practice." Smokey disappears leaving small amounts of smoke behind. Everyone stayed silent for a moment Blaze speaks up, "That was probably the first time I actually heard her say a whole sentence." Pyrah mumbles, "Probably not the last."

Freddy stands up, "Well, let's get to work then." He says in his British accent.

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