Chapter 15: On the Town

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The team settles down for the night in their makeshift room, Soot plops down onto her bed beat from a long day's hard work. She whispers to her chameleon, "rest now." She taps the top and sets it on her bedside table. Blaze pulls his shoes off, "man, I am really beat I truly feel like Jell-O." Pyrah rests on a concrete column, "Ash really knows how to give people a work out." Sparks leans on the wall and slides down to sit on the ground she then takes her gauntlets off and tosses them onto the shelf. "Who knew that we could be worked so hard?" She wipes away strands of hair from her face." Scorch sits up from her bed, "hey you know what we need?"

Ash walks in, "we need a night out on the town; a break is what yawl need." Scorch laughs, "That is exactly what I was going to say!" the two begin to laugh loudly. Sparks stands up, "yeah, yeah a night out from work sounds good." Blaze and Pyrah both look at everyone interested in going on an adventure into the city away from the mess. "When do we leave Ash?" the only one who did not seem interested in going was Smokey she didn't like to be around a lot of people. Ash smiles, "how does twenty minutes' sound? Gives us plenty of time to get freshened up." Everyone nods their heads in agreement. Ash clasps her hands together, "okay let's do this then!" She walks away.

Sparks, Scorch, and Pyrah kick blaze out of the room for a moment to get dressed. He kicks the floor, "why do I have to be the only boy on this team this is ridiculous! They know I could just teleport back into the room."

Pyrah French braids her hair and puts on a nice pink blouse she found in the back of her wardrobe. Sparks went little more in the opposite direction she threw on a stripy sweater with a blue tank top and skinny jeans. Scorch found a nice blue dress shirt and tossed that on herself. Then she put her hair up into a bun. Sparks glances behind her in the mirror noticing how Smokey was still in her bed. She frowns a little, and walks over to her bedside, "hey, are you okay?" Smokey looks up from her pillow, "I just miss my family a little and I don't feel like going." Sparks leans down, "You're coming with us. You need a break and this is a good way for all of us to do a little 'team- bonding'. It'll get your mind off of some messed up things." Sparks offers her hand to help Smokey out of bed. Smokey smiles, "okay I guess I can come and have a little fun." She whispers. Smokey reaches into her wardrobe to pull out a nice black jacket then she pulls her hair back into a ponytail.

Blaze teleports into the room, "it's my turn to get dressed get out!" he yells, the girls all glance at each other, then shrug their shoulders. "It's only fair, we kicked him out, he can kick us out." Scorch grumbles. The four girls walk out of their room to give Blaze some privacy. Smokey punches Pyrah's arm, "too bad, I don't wear makeup." Pyrah puts Smokey in a headlock, "I knew you'd come around! You Silent one!"

Ash arrives in a short black dress and a plaid blue button up shirt thrown over top of it. Sparks looks down at her feet noticing her tan hiking boots boots. "Okay ready to go?"

Blaze appears with slicked back hair and a simple green t-shirt and leather jacket. "Okay Freddy is waiting for us in the driveway." Ash leads the team outside. Pyrah was expecting to see a broken-down piece of city but they surfaced all they saw was dense forest. "Why are we out in the middle of nowhere?" Ash looks back and smiles, "exactly dense forest, where a GPS malfunctions and sends you a mile down the road saying that is your destination. A place where there is absolutely no cell service so the facility has land lines instead. And well, water drawn from deep down in the water table."

Sparks pipes up, "so we are basically living in a geographical anomaly." Ash opens the door on a tan F3.50 ford super duty pickup, "yeah basically." She then points, "There is two extra seats in the front and three seats in the back that could fit four so we have plenty of room." Blaze climbs up front and sits in the middle seat Scorch rides shotgun. Ash, Pyrah, Sparks and Smokey retreat into the back of the truck. "Your right Ash, it is comfortable with four people back here." Blaze begins searching the radio for some tunes, "dang this radio is so old it has a tape deck still in it." Ash snaps back, "hey this truck is eighteen years old and it still works perfectly fine because it's a diesel so don't dis it plus we can keep a low profile in it." Freddy starts to drive towards the small town that is twenty minutes away, "So, Where are we going?" Freddy pipes up. "We are going to the movies." Everyone begins to cackle of what movies might be playing. Then the team gets silent, "we are going to watch Star Trek Beyond."

They arrive at the tiny hometown-style movie theatre named the Majestic six. "Okay how many tickets do we need?" Freddy pipes up. "Six." Blaze replies. Everyone gathers their money and hands it to Freddy, "six for Star trek."

The team walks out of the movie theatre smiling and laughing, "I cannot believe that Spock said that!" Ash says, "I know right! That was hilarious!" Scorch comments while punching Ash in the arm. "Okay who is up for a milkshake?" Blaze announces. "There is an ice cream joint called Braum's up the road I think." Sparks says while typing something in on a makeshift GPS out of a rock. She then looks up, "yeah there is one up the road." Pyrah starts walking towards the truck, and exaggerates "I love ice cream let's go."

Freddy crosses his arms and frowns; he cannot help but stop and think about his wife Rheum. Ash pokes him in his arm, "are you okay?" Freddy looks at the others walking to the truck while they horseplay around, "yeah just thinking of your sister."

"Rheum, I understand. We will get her and Nuri back soon I am sure of it." Freddy smiles and gives Ash a noggin rub with his fist, "hey ah! Freddy!" Freddy laughs.

The two walk to the truck unlocking the doors. The team piles in and heads to Braum's. "So what are you going to get Scorch?" Scorch shuffles through her purse, "I am going to get chocolate chip cookie dough if they have it." Sparks pipes up, "agreed!" Ash clasps her hands together a little chilly from the exceptional air conditioner "What about mint chocolate chip?" Freddy waves a hand up from the steering wheel, "that sounds good." Blaze speaks over everyone, "I'm just going to go with old fashioned vanilla." Pyrah turns in her seat, "that sounds so good." Freddy parks the truck at the outer edge of the small parking lot. The team piles out and walks up to Braum's. A cashier at the small store inside greets them, "hi welcome to Braum's." The place had a store like interior stone on one wall a decent sized little marketplace in a corner of the joint, the menu was split up into two complete areas. Ice cream on one side typical American fast food on the other. The two ice-cream servers seemed bored with her job until she saw the team, she then placed a fake smile on her face. "Hi welcome to Braum's what can I get ya'll tonight?" Scorch ordered first, "can I get a chocolate chip cookie dough dip cone please?" The girl began scooping her ice cream and in a matter of seconds was done she then hands the cone to Scorch. Pyrah was next to get her ice-cream getting a dip cone with vanilla. Sparks and Ash both got a medium mint chocolate chip shake. Blaze and Freddy become the last to order being polite to the ladies, the two order vanilla shakes in a medium size. "hey Freddy, cheers." They try to take a sip of their ultra-thick shakes almost sucking the brains out of their heads. "we are not eating in the truck." Freddy mentions. 

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