Chapter 7: Blaze

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Blaze boldly saunters to his training area where many different power individuals work on their powers. He leans on the doorway, "Hi everyone I uh need some help figuring out what I can actually do."

A boy with short blonde hair walks up to Blaze, "okay let's figure it out, I'll help you." The boy walks over to a monitor and motions to Blaze, "come over here." Blaze walks over, "Please sit in this chair." Blaze does what he says feeling a little uncomfortable, Why am I trusting you I don't even know you. "I'm Nuri by the way" he holds a hand out to Blaze. "I'm Blaze." Nuri holds up some electrodes hooked up to a laptop and a strange machine. "Now I'll need you to put these on your chest and arms." Nuri shows points to where to put them on. "Nuri, how is this supposed to help me?"

Blaze looks at his reflection in the white glass feeling like lab rat. He notices Nuri at the laptop, "okay so you're going to feel a slight shock in your major muscle groups and it should kick start your power. Now Im going to count to three, one." ZAP! Blaze flinches in pain "OW!"

Nuri laughs, "do it again Nuri and I'll chase you into space!" Nuri shrugs, "I'm going to have to do this until," ZAP! Blaze flinches in pain again, but this time he felt a consistent buzzing in his body that wasn't nearly as painful as the first.

"Nuri, do it again." Blaze pictures the other side of the room. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah!" at this point Blaze was full of himself.

ZAP! Blaze lands on his belly face flat into the linoleum tile confused of what just happened. "I'm so going to be sore from this."

Blaze staggers onto his feet, "Dang man you've got teleportation I wish I was that lucky." Nuri slaps Blazes back knocking the air out of him, "don't do that."

Nuri returns the electrodes to their resting place, "Nuri thanks man." Nuri smiles, "Just work on the teleporting part and you'll be golden, come in here anytime you like to practice." Nuri and Blaze lock their arms like best bros. "believe me, I'm going to keep practicing."

Blaze tries to teleport into the main area between all the training rooms, but teleports in front of the glass slamming into it. Nuri yells after him "Don't hurt yourself!"

Blaze mumbles, "I've already ran into a wall."

Blaze feels the tingly power in the palm of his hand he looks in a random spot near the healer's area, "hmmm." I wonder if I have to point my hand in the direction I need to go?

He points his hand at the spot he was just looking at. Suddenly a rush of wind and colors zoom by him, and he appears where he pointed. Blaze jumps excitedly into the air like a five-year-old that just got a monster truck toy for his birthday. "It worked! It Worked! IT really worked!"

Blaze begins to expand his radius to each side of the large building until he figures out how depleted of energy he actually became.

Blaze lands on a rubber mat, and grabs his stomach "I'm hungry, food time!"

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