Chapter 22: Big Boss

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Please there is cussing in this chapter so be aware if you like this story. 
Char leans his feet back on his desk sarchastically happy to run a multi-billion dollar company while the real boss is constantly away on trips. He flips through on his computer through Pintrest looking at all kinds of evil ideas, or where any gifted people might be centrally located, or how people are bragging about the newly released phones by his own company. He scratches his bald head in the silence of the room.
I wonder how Soot is doing on her mission.
Char grew bored without her constantly reporting, or running in and out of his office giving a status update, or constantly acting as if he was going to kill her if she made a horrible mistake. He flips to a file folder on his desktop which is the file to wake up Soot's sister. Char sighs, "what's the fun in that?" 
Char rubs the back of his head and waves his mouse back to Pintrest, if anything happens to me, Soot would be the one to run the company I also don't think I have the heart to kill her if she made a terrible mistake.
Char grew attached to Soot, he often thought as if she was his daughter.
The phone on his desk rings brining him out of a daze. He picks up the phone to hear Lucy the desk manager, "Sir, the boss has arrived he will be up in a moment." 
The phone hangs up, Char stands up knocking some papers off his desk, "Shit, shit,shit!" The CEO and shareholder Zenith X. Hourion was on his way to personally talk to him usually it is bad or good no in between.
He opens the windows to let in light all around to see the cityscape of Dallas. Then clicks on a clicker to pull up a couch from the floor,a coffee table, and a beer fridge if there was anything in the world the boss liked more than science, it was alcohol. Char presses another button which brought up a pannel of the company's stocks.
There was a knock on the door, Char sits down in his office chair as if nothing ever happened. He clears his throat and wipes his eyebrows to make them straight and not disheveled, "come in."
Three secutity men walk in followed by a man in his mid-sixties wearing casual chlothes with a grey trench coat almost lab coat style, bluejeans, and a red t-shirt.  "Char my boy, how has my company been running?"
Four more security men walk in after him counting a total of eight guards. Zenith waves the men to leave, Char twiddles his thumbs nervously ready to be incinerated on the spot. Zenith then makes his way to the beer fridge and picks out a summer shandy. He pops it open on the  fridge door and walks over to look out the window, "nice view." Char noticed a bald spot on the back of his head which was not there the last time he met him but his full head of disheveld grey hair stayed constsnt. "Yes, it is sir."
Zenith takes a sip of his beer then makes his way to the couch, "So, what I've heard is that you and your science bitches sucuessfully made a clone eh?"
Char stands up and walks over to the couch, "Yes, we cloned her from one of the most powerful gifted people we have ever came across."
The Zenith burps, "Well then the company is doing good then?" Char sits onto the couch, "Sir, you want to know about the company?"
Zenith looks at Char as if he is going to slap him. "Yes, Chad,"
"It's Char."
He waves off the comment and continues. "I want to know about MY company, in which-in which I life in Your hands untill I got back."
Char takes in a deep breath, "well for a short time we were having problems getting out new contracts out to governments across the world. Then the stocks went down becasue of the lack of sales from it. Then we figured out that technology can be created from the Gifted. I used a small portion of the company's money and bought land to create the rare-earth metal mines in Afghanistan, and Pakistan rivals that of China's rare-earth metal reserves. Sir, our stocks have never been higher." 
Zenith takes another sip of his beer and leans back to relax on the couch, "now thats what I like to hear." Zenith then looks at Char, "you got yourself a wife?"
Char didn't have any family left besides his brother, but he hasn't seen him in years. "No sir."
Zenith waves his hand, "stop with this sir shit I don't like it. Constantly called sir gets annoying, call me by my name Zenith."
He polishes off his beer and looks through the top of his glass with his brown eyes, then throws it in the trach can. "Do ya like going on adventures Zenith? I-I mean Char?" Char leans back on the couch and thinks about it for a moment, he hasn't traveled to many places around the world or even off world. "I guess so why?"  
Zenith stands up and laughs holding both hands like claws up towards he sky, "Cause I'm a crazy SHAREHOLING SCIENTIST MotherFucka! And I want to take you on adventures some day!"
He grabs a thick envelope from his inside coatpocket and tosses it onto the coffee table. Char laughs a little relaxing a bit , "Okay sir, I-I mean Zenith, sounds like fun." Zenith straightens out his lab style trench coat and looks at his watch, "I gotta go,Char. Be good Char, be better than me. "
Zenith looks at his wrist watch, "Gotta go, don't wanna miss my flight to Mars."
He grabs another beer then walks out slamming the door shut. Char looks around at his office. I should leave my office like this more often, it feels...more workable. 
Char grabs the envelope and opens it realizing there must be atleast twenty pages tucked away in this thing. He reads the first words on it:
Char knew imediately that this was going to change everything.

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