Chapter 19: The W.V.E

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The team starts to walk into the building when Blaze grabs Ash's wrist, she reacts putting him into an arm lock, "please, don't toutch me."

Blaze pulls himself out of the arm lock and puts Ash into an arm lock, Ash swings her staff at Blaze trying to hit him, He manages to grab it out of her hand.

"Ash, you need to think straight, we cannot keep running if we are supposed to defeat this corporation. You are acting out of blindness if you think we should run." Ash struggles in Blaze's grasp as he holds on tighter, "let me go Blaze!"Anger is now seething in her voice, "Ash, Blaze is right we-we are safe here." Scorch studders a little backing him up.

Pyrah reassures Ash, "we are okay, well hidden, and protected by others, Ash look around you what do you see?" 
Sparks opens the door to go inside, "It's okay..."

Ash realizes that the team is right, she has been pushing them hard and pushing herself even harder, maybe they are  finally safe. Ash feels Blaze loosen his grip on her arm lock, Ash takes in a deep breath in defeat, "okay, I see." Her stubbornness has gotten the best of her.  Blaze hands her staff back to her, she swings it in her fingers bringing it to rest.

Ash and the team walk back inside when Ash hears a blood curtling scream behind her and somthig solid connect with her and pin her to he ground "Haha! I got you!" Ash struggles to spin her body kicking upward to push the weight off to recognize the familiar voice coming from a black haired girl. Ash readies herself in a fighting stance with her staff. "YOU!" Soot scowls back, "Yeah me, Soot!"
Ash her hand to show this is between just her and Soot waving the others off. 

Soot smirks, "So the damn showdown has begun between us. but guess what Ash. Effio give me a quarter staff ." As holographic staff appears in her hands about as long as Ash's. What kind of technology is his Villian using?
Soot shrugs her shoulders as she horribly twirls her staff in her fingers, "Okay enough talk Soot. Lets see if you can fight with my style." Ash spits at Soot. 
Soot runs at Ash and connects her staff with a cling Ash spins hers and pummels Soot in the foot. Soot clenches her jaw as she hears a crack come from her foot.  Soot connects it with the side of Ash's right arm. Ash goes to push her away when Soot moves her staff to deadleg Ash but she jumps up to smack Soot over the head. Soot blocks her move, but Ash takes her by surprize and hits her in the stomach knocking the air out of Soot. Ash backs up a little, "please, just stop you cannot win this." Ash knows Soot is not used to fighting with a staff when she realizes Soot is slow. Soot goes for an overhead strike but Ash connects hers shoving Soot's staff out of her hands and quickly kicking it away. Soot lunges at Ash and grabs one half of Ash's staff,
"why do you fight with a staff snob?" Ash shrugs as she kicks Soot in the ribcage, "Becasue I'm a boss like that witch."  Ash punches at Soot, but she punches back connectig with Ash's eye.
Soot tries to punch Ash again, but she dodges and twirls her staff putting Soot in an arm lock behind her back threaded with Ash's metorite staff. Knowing well that she learned the first time.
Ash deadlegs Soot pushing her to the ground, "Enough, what your doing is child's play Soot." Soot shakes some black hair out of her face and begins to laugh. "Guess what, I can call my army to my aid, hank you for leadig me to all of these test subjects."
Sparks steps in, "Actually, no." She takes Effio off of Soot's back, Soot spins on her knees to knock Sparks down. Sparks backs up too fast for Soot to catch her, Ash grabs the end of her staff in her palm, "make another move like that and I will break your arms."

Soot spits on the floor in anger, "I have other means of communications to S.T.E.P. you know!" Sparks shakes her head, "too bad all  the signals are jammed though."

Ash grabs both sidesof her staff and helps Soot up, "I'm taking you to interrigation."  Soot spits back, "good luck getting amything out of me!" Blaze slides in front of Soot and grabs the bottom of her chin, "man, you are the Worst Villian Ever, you know that right?"
Soot smirks, "I take that as a compliment."She then spits in Blaze's face, "that it I'm so gonna-" Scorch  and Pyrah pull Blaze away from the sight of Soot.

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