Chapter 10: Training with Ash

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Sparks turns up the radio that she made out of a nearby cinderblock blaring the music with a catchy techno fight song. While Smokey sits in a nearby corner next to the cinder-box (cinderblock beat box) quietly. "Sparks I cannot believe you made this radio it is truly amazing." Sparks shuffles her feet a little, "I couldn't believe I made it either."

Blaze skids back on his feet with a hand on the ground for balance. Ash stands in an athletic looking fighting stance "c'mon Blaze use your power to your ability!" Sparks shouts on the sidelines. Pyrah jumps into the air "you got this Blaze!" Scorch shouts "you can do this!" Blaze huffs and shoots a small portal in front of him appearing a second later at Ash's left side. She turns and punches at his face but he teleports too quickly appearing behind her.

Blaze kicks at her knees causing her to go dead legged falling to the ground. He then grabs her arms a pins her down. "Good job Blaze!" He releases his grip and lets Ash up. "Good job Blaze, that was better than the other three times just remember those tricks in battle." Blaze smiles "although that punch to my arm hurts still."

Ash smiles "oh, you'll get over it." Smokey stands up and nods her head, "good job" she whispers.

"Pyrah please step in the arena." She smiles and pops her knuckles, "no problem Ash." As soon as Pyrah adjusted, Ash kicked at her, Pyrah dodges the move. Ash punches then kicks, Pyrah ducks underneath Ash sending her flying into a flip. "Yeah Pyrah Pin her down" Sparks shouts. They match extensive move by move until Pyrah finally pins down Ash then lets her up. "Well I don't need to tell you twice! You have extensive fighting skills, those will be your best bet in battle especially your super strength." Ash playfully punches her in the arm, and smiles. "I was holding back so I wouldn't break your body." Ash laughs nervously. Scorch jumps in the air clapping her hands, "I could heal her though!"

"Sparks your next!" she quickly turns to her radio and changes it to a song mixed between rock and techno. "Okay I am ready" she and Pyrah switch places. Blaze teleports away then comes back with a couple of sodas in his hands. "Begin!" Ash yells, she begins with a simple punch to a pressure point in the arm.

With lightning reflexes Sparks moves and karate chops in Ash's back on key pressure points disabling her. "Hey whoa!" she falls to the ground stiff as a board. "Well then, you are good." Sparks shrugs, yeah my parents made me take ti-quan-doh, karate, and jujutsu as a kid I just never thought I would really need it."

Ash sat still face down "are you a black belt?" Sparks says in a bragging voice "yep in all three." Sparks places a hand on Ash's back "let's get you to the Healer's den."

"No! It's Scorch's turn to try. "She pops her knuckles stretching like she never heard anything. " What me, is it my turn?"

"Just get up here." Sparks caresses with her hand to get up into the arena. Pyrah begins to mess with the cinder-box accidentally changing the song. Blaze teleports away coming back a minute later with a box of popcorn. "Blaze quit stealing things from the cafeteria!" Pyrah yells at him. They get into a huge argument "what it's free."

Ash begins to instruct Scorch on what to do, "Okay I know that you can feel where I have been disabled, I want you to place a hand on my back and concentrate on those points." Sparks steps out of the arena and begins toying with her cinder-box. "Now what Ash?" the pressure points turn a green color indicating to Scorch where they area. "Imagine them gone Scorch."

She scrunches her eyebrows concentrating on the spots, slowly they dissipate away. "I did it!" Ash moves her left arm flexing it like she is about to jump in a swimming pool. "great job Scorch, you did good"

Ash clasps her hands together "well I think that was enough for today why don't we pick this up to-" the whole facility began to rumble with debris falling off the ceiling. "We are under attack get to your stations now!" Ash runs towards the door then waves her hand at the group, "follow me!"

The team casts glances towards each other then they follow Ash through the building. "I need to grab my dog; you all find your teachers and head to the safe zone." Scorch looks at Ash "will you be alright on your own?" Another explosion rocks the building causing everyone to stumble off their feet, screams cry out in terror. Ash pushes on Scorch's shoulder "just go!" Scorch nods her head and scampers off to the healer's den.

Blaze teleports outside of the building he glances up at the sky to see several white, triangular sky-ships flying overhead "I got to find a way to stop them, but food first." Blaze teleports himself to the cafeteria, which he comes to find was demolished. "Awe no food, well then." a third explosion rocks the facility.

Blaze looks up to see the protective dome flake away in small, glassy green chips. Blaze teleports to the wing of the white sky-ship in curiosity. He cocks his head at the grey writing on the side of the craft "Why is S.T.E.P Inc. attacking here?" he shrugs his shoulders then pops his knuckles, "oh well, time to do some damage." Blaze teleports down onto the ground grabbing a metal pole he grimaces with an evil grin. "This will work."

Pyrah meets Luminous at the crumbled rock wall, "we need to stay Defenders defend we don't back down unless we know it's a fight we cannot win." Pyrah nods her head "I still don't know how to fully use my powers yet." Luminous tightens a strap on her arm that is connected to a thick white covering over all the way down to her fingertips. "Well at least you know what your power is." She waves her hand "c'mon" Pyrah grabs a green tipped energy spear that was laying on the ground "Defenders Defend!" She shouts at everyone. The defenders run to the aid of Blaze and other quickies, a couple of leaders including Ash, and one lonely silent one Smokey. "Smokey get out of here!" Ash yells, she shakes her head no in reply. 

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