Chapter 24: Espionage Gala

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Blaze meets everyone in the barracks room where he knew he was immediately going to be kicked out again but Sparks luckily put up as divider just for him.  He changes into his suit fit with a yellow vest and tie absolutely being the last color in the world Blaze wanted to wear to the party.  

Blaze listens through the divider to hear Sparks playing some music again. He sits down on his bed and shines his shoes after all he was representing the while of the quickies at the Gala and he wanted to fit in. 

Why can't I be a normal person, have a girlfriend and live a happy normal life and get through high school? But, no that didn't happen I had to be captured by a secret underground society and find out I am a member of this society by my teleportation gift. 

Sparks pulls down the curtain to let Blaze use the sink. "And here you go sir." Blaze looks at the girls, "I guess we all clean up nice." He looks over at Scorch and notices how stunning she looked in the light green dress, how it contrasted her long blonde hair. Blaze gets up feeling the sudden urge to walk towards her. He grabs her pulling her into a hug, "You are so beautiful tonight Scorch." She relaxes in his grip, "I could tell you the same Blaze." Scorch kisses Blaze and leaves with the rest of the girls." 

Scorch glances up to his head and smooths out his hair with her black velvet gloves. "There now you look ready my love." Blaze could look into her deep amber eyes all day but they didn't have time for that.

Ash glances at her watch that she had on. "Okay Freddy said that he has a limousine pulled out front, we need to move now!" 

Blaze hears the door open and sees Luminous walk into the barracks, "I hope this dress looks okays on me...Does it?" She says as she smooths out the ruffles near the pink/purple bottom. Pyrah laughs and walks over to her, "Don't worry it looks just fine hun." 

Ash pets Ollie on her bed and kisses him on the top of the head, "You stay here and bee a good boy, okay Ollie?" 

Blaze  ushers Scorch to the limousine as  Ash leads everyone there. I am glad Ash has Ollie, it's as if that is all she has left as a family member. 

Blaze opens the door for the ladies, "ladies first." he waits till everyone is inside to get in and sit by Scorch. She leans her head on his shoulder and he plays with her curled hair. 

They arrive at the building where a red carpet lay for all of the prestige to walk on, "Okay these are yawls ID's hand them to the bouncers at the doors and they should let us in."  

Sparks pulls cards out of her small blue and gold clutch which matched her dress and hands them to everyone. 

"We know what to do right? From the points past those fountains we cannot use our powers until the systems are shut off." Ash points at the giant pink marble fountains, Smokey smiles, "Good thing that our weapons are concealed in this cube I was given, When the time is right we can use them." 

Pyrah smiles nervously, "y-yeah it took me a little bit to figure out how everyone's weapons worked." Freddy pulls the car up to the red carpet, "I'll meet you guys inside." Ash nods her head at him.  The valets come and open the doors for them. "This our moment guys." Ash puts on a confident smile as people start taking pictures of the crew walking up the carpet. 

"Invitations." everyone pulls out their ID's and hands them to the bouncer on the left, he scans everyone's cards, "Eh your ID did not register." he points at Luminous, She reaches up and grabs it from the guy and rubs it on her dress, "What? I paid all of that money to get my ID only a couple of days ago, and it not work?" Ash puts a hand on Luminous's shoulder, "Luminous it's okay." Luminous shoves of Ash, "NO, it's not okay, bouncer sir, please try it again." The bouncer frowns, "You know what, I am so sick of rich people, just take your cards back and go inside, I see your name on the list anyway." 

Luminous shakes the bouncer's hand, "thank you, kind sir." 

They arrive in the Front Gala area where a large primary-colored  four tiered chandelier hung. In the corner of the large ares was a small symphony of people playing, "Okay, be careful whom we run into, act like you all enjoy the Gala then head for what we are supposed to do." Ash states.

    Everyone spreads out to go look for clues. Ash notices Blaze pull Scorch onto the dance floor. Ash herself heads down to the Martini bar even though nobody on the team except Freddy is old enough to drink she is Sure they still serve non-alcoholic drinks. "A shirley temple please." the bartender looks at her, "Spiked or blunt?" Ash sits in  one of the the chairs resting at the bar, "Blunt ." Ash notices somebody walk up behind her and lean with his back facing the bar, "A lass like you doesn't belong on the bar, but be dancing out on the floor with somebody." The bartender hands Ash her drink, she takes a sip and looks at the gentleman in his maybe mid-sixties  wearing a composer's suit with a small solid gold square shaped swirl. "Ah, that is where you are wrong." she takes a drink of her shirley "I am simply warming up to it."  He takes the seat next to her, Ash notices his rather messy white hair. "Are you a scientist here?"  The bartender passes him a martini. Ash knew she had to be careful around this person she could feel the power radiating off of him but he might know every aspect of the company. " That pin...on your collar, is that mean your a scientist of this company?"

 The man shakes his head, "Indeed lassie, I am a scientist of this company and if you want to know top secret stuff I will not oblige."  

He holds out a hand to Ash, "I'm Zenith Hourion, formerly the CEO and Founder of S.T.E.P. Inc. " 

" I-I'm Ash."  She formally shakes his hand. Ash had to keep her anxiety which hit her like a pillowcase full of bricks she knew there was a reason he radiated power, "Nice to meet you sir." Ash knew she had to expose some secrets or at least try. Zenith frowns when being called sir from Ash. Ash fixes one of the  tan frills on the front of her dress that was bending downward. She stands up and finishes off her Shirley, "Care to dance now Sir." Zenith ushers Ash to the dance floor, Ash nods her head at Sparks and Smokey who disappear up a flight of glass stairs. Zenith asks, "I am going to ask politely because I tend to have a potty mouth can you not call me sir, it gets very tiresome."

Ash passes by Pyrah who was walking up to the martini bar with Luminous, "So I am somebody who wants to do aerospace engineering, and quantum physics. Are you working on any cool inventions?"  Zenith waltzes with Ash, she taps Blaze's shoulder as they pass by, "Lassie, I mean Ash, those are job fields I don't really hear women go into, I guess I could tell you a little bit."  Blaze twirls Scorch and bumps her against Zenith's back, he stumbles around Ash tries to steady him, "Shit." he finds his footing and they continue dancing.

Scorch holds her hand down by her side  and shows some silver keys to Ash.  She still had to keep Zenith's attention, "So, what kind of inventions do you make?" Zenith twirls Ash.

"Well I recently had some scientist bitches of mine discover an extraordinary race of people and they helped us create some of the newest technology you see.  I even helped in the order of sucuessfully making a clone from somebody Ash."  

He either knows what we are doing here and is stalling or  he is oblivious to the fact that I know about his secret  jail downstairs.

Ash keeps stalling as long as she could and could sense she is getting through to his motives.  "So, these extoradinary race of people you were talking about, why are they extrodinary?" Zenith laughs, "I am a crazy scientist, I have seen some things lassie, these people can physically manipulate their surroundings." Ash knew exactly what he was talking about becasue her ands her friends fell in this category.

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