His Cursed

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His Cursed

He look at the paper and sign, there is still so much work to do. He has been so busy that he couldn't get a time to relax also. Last month was not so stressful like this, and then suddenly his mind wonders towards that night, everything was so vivid in his mind. He enjoys taking her innocence and he doesn't regret that because she is willing to give and only fool can reject such a tempting offer. He really enjoy himself like a predator, that girl was really something only if she was not so naive and clingy.

Stupid girl, his eyes darken he thought that his notes and money will do which he had left it on her desk before he left her house early on the morning but no she have to came to his office crying and sounding, creating a drama, but too bad he doesn't gave a shit. He told her whatever they have was only a one night stand nothing more and nothing less but a stubborn girl doesn't want to accept that, she want to have a relationship with him. Of course every girl wants to have a relationship with a billionaire and she is no different than other girls, all are gold digger.

He finally has to kick her out from his office and told her to never show her face again. With a tearful eyes she look at him for last time and gone, never to come back again and he was very thankful for that.

He smile remembering that day, it's been one month and he was happy that girl never show her face again. His trance of thought was interrupted when somebody slams his door wide open, he snap his head towards the door...

There stand an old lady with fire of rage on her eyes; she look like she is ready to kill him...and trial behind was his assistant pleading her to get out.

"I really sorry sir...I don..." the assistant try to apologies her boss but interrupted by the old lady.

"You Monster!" the lady shout with full of hatred and pointed finger at him, "how dare you treat her like that?"

He abruptly stand up and gesture his assistant to leave, he can handle the old lady by himself but now he have to find out what he has done that this lady was flaming at him...

"Do I know you?" he said with nonchalantly and raised his eyebrow.

"No, but if you would have known me then wouldn't have dared to touch my granddaughter" sinister smile appeared on her face as he saw the hatred of fire in her eyes, "you not only touch her but also disrespects her in front of everybody and now you're going to pay for that"

Then suddenly he realized what she is talking about then his eyes darken and said with non melancholy tone, "I should've known that she is not going to gave up, now tell me how much?"

She titled her head in confusion, so he clear her, "name the amount and I'll gave it to you both enough to, not to show your face again"

"we don't want your filthy money" she seethed, "I want you to suffer the worse way than possible, I want you to feel every pain and shame that my granddaughter felt and goes thought".

He smirks and chuckle, "you really think you can do that, then think again and it's not like I had force your granddaughter to do anything, she was the one who invite me in"

"That because you trick her!" she yelled in anger as she continue, "And now you're going to pay for that"

He arrogantly raises his eyebrow and chuckle, "really and how you're going to make me pay for that?"

Evil smile appears on her face, as she said the next word, "the moment you touch my granddaughter is the moment you seal your fate on the hand of Devil, now every day you're going to feel pain and agony in your heart like a beast you are."

Her smile suddenly disappears and her face darkens, then she chanted something in a language he never heard before then she said out aloud, "Once man, heart like beast, became one" she cursed him...

Atmosphere of the room suddenly darken then he feel chill, his once arrogant face turned into confused one and when he open his mouth, "wha....?" But his voice is cut off when he feels a sharp pain in his heart like someone has plunge dagger in his heart which knocks his breath out.

He started to feel suffocated as he abruptly kneel down on the floor and breath heavy, his vision blur because of the tears, "what have you done to me?" even though his words sound like a whisper but there was so much anger in it.

She chuckle and step forward as she circle him, "looks who is talking? Didn't I say, I'm going to make you pay and this is how you're going to pay, being Beast you really are.....this is nothing compare to how you treat my child"

He was gasping for air as he feel hot as hell.....sweat was running down his face, his vision blur as he placed his hand over his heart and desperately asked, "what have you done to me? Why I'm feeling like this?"

She stands right before him and looks down at him with fire in her eyes, "this is what you get when you mess with me" then her face darken as she continue, "Deleon Ayres Lucian, I have just cursed you" she laugh like she is mocking him.

"What?" he shudder hardly speaking...

Her eyes meet him with so much burning hatred like she was going to burn him with it.....before evil smile appears on her face, "Yes Deleon even though you are a handsome man, inside your heart you're a beast, a disgusting beast and this coming full moon you're going to see your beast clawing out from your heart and you're going to live with this beast for rest of your life forever"

Then she walk towards the door and when she reach the door, she stop and turned her head as she speak, "and by the way I'm Adriana, nice to meet you Deleon, hope you suffer more than I imagine and learn your lesson" with her final words, she walk out from his office leaving him miserable.

His vision was completely blur as he watch her walk away he want to shout but, his vision started get dark then he laid down on the floor breathing heavily, and finally his eyes close completely surrender by darkness.

Hello! readers i want to apologies for a very very late update, and also sorry for short update...i promise you next chapter will be a long one. I hope you enjoy this chapter even though it is short.....

if you like my stories please vote or comment, and if you find any mistake please kindly inform me rather than rude comment.....

I will update next chapter may be sooner or later but you all don't have to wait this long....

till then takcre


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