Her Punishment

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Her Punishment

She sadly look at the view of beautiful garden from the window, it's being two week since that dreadful incident, and she couldn't seems to forget that Beast. Her wound has almost healed and now she can walk properly but sometime she feel pain while walking, other than that she seems to recover just fine. Her mind couldn't seems to find peace at all, she feel as if something is very wrong in this mansion.

First Deleon lied about the beast, and she doesn't know why? He never gave her properly answer; he is a man of one words and it frustrated her to no end. Her memory is still vivid, she might had become conscious but she remember him telling her that he himself save her from that vile beast after she fainted and now he is lying in front of her face and she doesn't like it, she has a feeling that there is something very deep and dark larking in this Mansion which Deleon seem to denied.

Her deep thought was interrupted by a familiar voice, "Miss Grayson, sorry to interrupt you but Mr. Lucian wants you to have Lunch with him"

Annalisa instantly turned around and look at the Robert, "I don't think I can Sir, please tell him I'm not feeling well at all" she lied because she is still not ready to face Deleon right now maybe never after what happened the last time they were together.

"Miss I'm afraid but it is not a request, but an order" Robert tells her politely.

She narrowed her eyes and frown, "the answer is still no, I'm not joining him, and he can't order me around like I'm some kind of pet"

Robert tries to say with his worried voice, "but Miss, there will be a consequence if...." But he was cut off by Annalisa, "Please Sir, I'm refuse to obey his order and I'm not afraid of the consequence"

'The girl is really stubborn' Robert thought as he sighs in defeat, "As you wish Miss, I'll tell him that you're not feeling well enough to join him"

"Thank you Sir" she said and politely smile at him, he once nod at her and leave thinking that 'how his master is going to take a refusal?'


Deleon was waiting in the dining room for a lunch, he don't know why Robert and Annalisa are taking so long. He looks at his watch and frown, he has an important meeting with his client and now he has only half an hour left for the meeting. He look frustrated, she is always testing his patience.

"Stubborn girl" he murmur and finally saw the Robert making an appearance to a dining room but when he did not saw her, he ask with the scowl on his face, "where the hell is she Robert?"

Robert don't know how to tell him about her refusal but he try his best not to look nervous seeing his master angry face, so he nod and began explaining as politely as he can, "Sir Miss Grayson said she is not feeling well enough to have lunch, so she is resting right now, I'm sorry Sir but she won't be able to have lunch with you".

All Deleon see is red with rage because he knows she is lying, he saw her early in the morning roaming around the garden looking perfectly fine. he instantly stand up not before banging his fist hard on the table which make a loud noise, enough to heard by everyone in Mansion., He is breathing rapidly, 'all this time he has been taking care of her and her family, this is how she return it' he thought as his eyes started to get darker with rage and anger.

Robert stutter in fear seeing his master anger, "Sir please....cal...m down, you're going to scare her"

"That is what I want Robert, that spoils brat need to learn lesson, how dare she defy me after I did so much for her family that ungrateful girl" he shouted in rage.

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