His Surprise

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His Surprise

He raised his eyebrow as he read the file and said in his professional tone, “Not bad so far, so…” he trail off as he closed the file and look at the man who is sitting across him at the couch as he continue, “Who is our rival again?”

His assistant has a passive look on his face, as he reply, “its Anderson Sir”
Deleon smirk and put the file on the table before he said, “as expected, not so surprise at all” he paused for a while and said again, “now I’m more eager to win this deal anyhow, so Joe I want you to do a best as you can because I won’t be able to attain meeting nor be in office for next two or three days”

“You don’t worry sir I won’t disappoint you, let’s just say this deal is already ours Sir” Joe said confidently with big smile on his face as he nods his head.

Deleon always like his spirit and confident, most of all he was never an overconfident one and he is pretty much trustable when it come to business.

Deleon nods with satisfaction and said, “very well Joe, but I have one more job for you” he paused and nods his head towards the door.

Joe understand and he slowly get up and lock the door before he sat down again, “yes Sir”

“I want you to find this culprit for me” Deleon take out the picture from his pocket and lay down on the table before he continue, “I strongly believed he is a cause behind my accident”
Joe grabs the picture and looks at it and frowns, “But sir his face is not clearly shown in here, I don’t know…if” he trail but soon cut off by Deleon, “of course this picture is not clear when I take it out from CC TV, that foolish thought that I would left my Mansion and estate unprotected” he chuckle darkly.

“Sir you have put CCTV on estate too?” Joe asked curiously.
“Why so surprise Joe, is it an inevitable to protect my territory?” Deleon raised his eyebrow daring him to deny.
Joe gulp and clear his throat before he speak, “Sure Sir, I’m just curious I guess” Joe quickly look away thinking his boss can be scary sometime when he want it to be not that he is always nice and polite.

Deleon slowly smirk, “it’s okay to be curious sometime Joe don’t worry, anyway what I’m saying is that my CC TV footage has captured this man all act, how he had made my man unconscious and how he break fail my car and everything” he paused and take out more picture from his pocket and rest down on the table before he said again, “I have try my best to capture his picture even though it is not so clear, I hope this will help you?”
Joe nod his head while looking at the picture, “Don’t worry Sir I’ll try my best to find this man”
“Good, and remember I don’t want anyone or any media to find out about this” then he slowly lean closer to him and said, “Remember this is just between you and me, no word outside from this room, understand?”

He quickly nods his head, “Yes Sir”

Deleon slowly lean back while Joe again clears his throat, “is that all for today Sir?”

“Yes, you can go now but contact me as soon as you find this man, I want to punish him by my own hand before I handle him to police, he should learn to know not to mess with wrong people” Deleon said darkly, more like promise.

Now he fear for this man, he know what happen when anyone mess with his Boss. Man was stupid enough to plough his own grave. Thinking that Joe slowly stands up and wish his boss, “Sir I hope you get well soon and congratulation for your engagement”

Deleon nods his head, “thank you Joe” then they both shake their hand and Joe takes his leave. As soon as Joe was out from the door, Mrs. Miller enter into the room with tray full of breakfast, “good morning Master Deleon”
“Good morning Linda” he wish her back as she put the tray on the table in front of him.

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