Chapter 17 - Death is at the Door

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Chapter 17 - Death is at the Door

Author Comment:

Sorry for not working on this story as promised...will stick to schedule this time. I do not know how often I'll add chapters to the story but I'll try to work out a plan to add chapters frequently...This chapter is interesting and will keep you on the edge of your seats...Enjoy

Song of the Chapter:

~Bleach OST - Princess in Captivity

Previous Chapter...

~John's POV

"You will not get away with this, people will come looking for you and when they find you, once they've hunted you down, they won't be merciless"

"Let them come, it only makes this game more fun. See you soon"

When she said that, she went to edge of the balcony and jumped off it. I ran to the edge of the balcony to see where she landed but she disappeared.


~Devon's POV

After reading for longer than three hours, my eyes are screaming at me to go to sleep. Oh well may as well go to sleep but for some reason I don't want to, because this story is so interesting. I closed the diary that bragged about its beautiful borders and italics, and put it in my pocket, so that I can read it, when I wake up tomorrow, first thing in the morning. I carried my lazy ass down the ladder steps of the balcony and into my bed. Strangely enough after closing my eyes I felt like I was in some forest, because I could hear trees shaking
violently after a strong gush of wind blew past it.

I opened my eyes and lo and behold I wasn't in my comfy bed. I was in the middle of a forest, with my PJs and slippers still on. I could hardly see anything in this darkness that encompassed the forest; the moon was struggling to shine through the web of trees that I was trapped in. All I could hear was the gush of the wind blowing past like a tornado. But suddenly there was a faint distant noise that was ringing, it sounded like something similar to a bell. It felt like the bell was calling for me, beckoning me to come closer to where it is. As if in a trance my body reacted to the bell's calling and moved. My feet took slow small steps towards nowhere.

I couldn't believe what was happening, in fact no one would. I was originally in my bed trying to fall asleep and now I'm suddenly in the middle of a forest trying to follow the
distant sound of a bell. For some reason it seemed like we were actually reaching closer to our destination because the scenery changed, the trees crept away from me and the moon was shining brightly in the sky as if it was it's last night to shine. The bells ringing sounded louder and clearer, it felt like we started walking up hill. Another sound accompanied the sound of the bell and wind; it was a faint voice that was whispering.

A voice that didn't make any sense: as it wasn't whispering in English or any known language, as a matter of fact. It sounded ancient and dark, like the voice of a devil or demon. It felt like the voice was digging deep down into my mind and trying to retrieve something that was it's all along. We finally reached the top of the hill because my feet stopped and my body too. It was as if it was telling me to walk the rest of the way, though I was walking all along. The ringing of the bell was clear as whistle, the gush of the strong wind died down, the trees ran away and were not within my sight and the moon hid away behind a mass of black clouds. Yeah the clouds were literally black, and there were no stars in the sky.

I felt like I was in a nightmare, my arms got goose bumps as the sound of the bell ringing increased and the volume of the whispering increased. I took smaller steps than when my body was in control of itself. I dreaded each step I took, I literally dragged my feet and hoped that I would never reach the destination but instead wake up from this nightmare, if it even was one to begin with. As I continued walking my throat was trying to swallow nothing. My throat stopped trying to swallow nothing and the sound of bell ringing stopped altogether as if they were in sync. I felt like I was approaching a presence of some sort, the clouds
blackened even more and started moving violently back and forth in the sky, as if it was being moved by an imaginary wind.

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