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"Yo! Tyler!" The now tall,gel-haired,scruffy-faced Brendon called across the lunch room.

It was their first day of senior year.
And the relief that threaded through Tyler's body made him estatic.

Tyler walked towards his best friend and gave him a quick bro hug.

(For you noobs,a bro hug is when people like high five in the middle and then keep there's hands together and reach over and pat each other on the back... why the actual fuck am I explaining this.)

Tyler pulled away and looked at Brendon,thinking of how they hadn't had any classes together yet,praying that at least the last few periods of the day,he didn't have raging anxiety.
And maybe the voices would quiet down.

Tyler clasped his hands together.
"S-so,where we sittin?"

In a school,there are cliques. And each clique has a table in the cafeteria that's mentally reserved.
No one dares to sit at anyone else's table.and boy,if they did,nobody would stand for it.

"Josh already got us a table."
Brendon pointed to a bright pink haired boy that was sitting at a square table in the corner.

"Josh?" Tyler whispered as brendon walked across the loud cafeteria to the boy.

He followed hesitantly behind Brendon,anxiety pooling in his stomach,he felt it slowly rise in to his chest and his mouth became dry.
A tingling feeling shot through him as all of the worst scenarios played and replayed in his head.

"Tyler,this is my bro,josh." Brendon introduced as he sat down.
"Josh,this is him."
He spoke like Brendon has talked about him before.

Tyler lowered himself in the black plastic-metal chair across from josh.


Tyler's mouth seemed to have been glued shut with the strongest of bonds.
He wanted to speak,he was so close to being normal.

But josh had to go and fuck it up.

With his soft,brown eyes and beautiful pink lips. And when he smiled at Tyler,he immediately felt something pulsating through his veins.

Tyler didn't know what this was.
And it scared the shit out of him.
He breathed heavily as he did everything he could to avoid Josh's eyes.

But God,how could you?

"Sorry,he's...." Brendon tilted his hand side to side.

"Yeah..." josh responded,much too fixated on the boy.


"Shh,hey,Tyler-its cool. I don't care if you make a mistake,i-i think you're cool. Brendon's told me a lot about you."

I don't care if you make a mistake.

It replayed in his head,like josh understood it,like josh.....knew.

"H-hi." Tyler managed to say,breathily,and barely speaking,but it was all he had.

He could hear the ringing in his ears,a familiar sound.when he was a little kid,it scared the shit out of him. He could remember nights when he woke up st 3am and the ringing was louder that it had ever been.
He would sit up in his bed and scream for his mother. She would come running to comfort him,get him water and medicine.
The medicine dulled everything,he could barely feel his mother holding him. And it was like he was floating,like the floor had dropped and the walls had expanded,to leave him all alone in his own reality.
Until the morning,when the meds wore off,and the floor slammed back up against him.

Boys/Boys/Girls • joshlerWhere stories live. Discover now