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~the party~

Loud hiphop music blasted through two speakers next to the dj booth on the patio by the pool.

It was the biggest party of the year.

Tyler sat next to josh at a table off to the side of everything.

They both had a beer in hand,Tyler's unopened.

"How you liking it so far?" Josh asked.

He wasn't allowed to have anymore drinks after this one. Designated driver.

"It's loud." Tyler commented.

"Yeah. Yeah they always are."

"What is this?" He asked looking at the glass bottle in his hand.

"It's beer. It taste like shit."

"Then why do you drink it?"

"It taste better than thinking. When you have this,you don't have to use this." He tapped his head with his finger.

Tyler took a look at his bottle. He put the edge of the cap on the edge of the table and popped it off.

"Alcohol." He said to no one in particular.

"Yep. You,I wouldn't suggest you drink much of it."

"Didn't we come here to get drunk?"

"We came here because Brendon and Dallon wanted us to. And you've never actually experienced a party. You should remember it,too much of that and you won't remember your name."


"You nervous?" Josh cocked an eyebrow and smiled.

"Shush! Duh I'm nervous..."

Tyler raised the bottle to his lips and took a sip of it quickly. He felt it fizz through his body and make his head feel a little funny. And josh was right,it tasted like shit. But he liked it.

What the fuck?

"So?" Josh asked.

"Ew." Tyler cringed.

Josh laughed. "Yep."

"Hey dipshits!" A blue haired girl called out to them.

She walked over and sat herself into Josh's lap.

Tyler stiffened. Something was burning in his chest and he wanted to break his bottle over the table.

"I've seen you guys around. You're 'the pink haired dude' and you're 'tyler',right?" She asked.

"My name is josh." 'The pink haired dude' said.

"I'm Ashley. And Tyler,you've got.."
She pointed to her head.
Is that really how people identified him?

"Yeah I've got some issues." He finally said.

"I get you man,it sucks."

"What do you mean?"

"I have anxiety and josh,I heard you do too."

"Y-yeah,that's right." He said shyly.
He didn't think Tyler should know that.

"If you have anxiety how did you just walk over here and talk to us?" Tyler questioned.

"You guys seem trustworthy. Now come on,it's a party let's get wasted!"
She stood up and threw her hands in the air almost spilling whatever was in her red solo cup,

Boys/Boys/Girls • joshlerWhere stories live. Discover now